Chapter XXVII

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Toga and Shigaraki were in the room where Y/N and Atushiro were in. Toga was trying her best not to squeal loudly so she wouldn't disturb her new baby brother. Shigaraki on the other hand couldn't believe his eyes. He didn't want to cry, trying to be tough but Y/N saw this and chuckled at this. The only person who wasn't here was Dabi.

Y/N: Where's Dabi, you two?

The two siblings looked at each then behind them. They though Dabi was behind them but wasn't.

Toga: I have no idea Ma. He was right behind us a few seconds ago.. but who cares right now, can I hold him.

Y/N chuckled at this and nodded. She gently handed Reito to Toga and told her to hold him gently. Toga looked her new brother and couldn't help but shed a few tears. Shigaraki just went over to both of them and smiled softly at the scene. Finally, Dabi opened the door and all 4 people stared at him.

Atushiro: There you are kiddo! Me and your mother were wondering where you were. Come over and see your new brother. Toga's holding him by the way.

Dabi nodded and headed over to Toga and Shigaraki. He looked at the small bundle and gently pulled down the blanket and stared at the small infant.

Dabi: Holy fucking shit....*scoffs* he looks like Ma mostly instead of you old man. I stared at Dad and smugged slightly and I can see he was glaring at me.

Atushiro: Oh really!! He looks like me more than her DaBi!

Atushiro and Dabi just glared at each then glanced away from each other. Y/N just sighed and asked if she could hold her baby once more. Toga didn't want to and shook her head indicating "no". Y/N pouted, Dabi just looked between her and Toga and quickly snatched Reito from her hands and walked over to his mother.

Dabi: wanted him back so now you have him back.

Y/N smiled at him and told him to come closer to her. He did of course and crouched slightly at her.

Y/N: *whispers* matter what..nothing will never change between us. I love you Dabi...remember that please...

Dabi: *whispers and sighs softly* I know Ma...I know..I love you too..

Dabi and Y/N parted away smiling at each other softly. Dabi told the other two to get going leaving the couple alone for a while with the infant. They nodded and told bye and left the room.

Outside the delivery room

Dabi, Toga and Shigaraki got out through the door and saw everyone still outside the door.

Dabi: What the hell are guys still standing out here for?

Riko: SoRrY!! But we couldn't help it and wanted to know what was happening.

Magne: So what happened?

Miko: What did the baby look like? And is Y/N okay!? What about the baby!?

Haru: Miko! Calm down, and ask one question at a time.

Shigaraki: The infant looked like Mother and Father. And Mother is fine, like Doctor Akio said. And the baby is perfectly healthy.

Everyone smiled at this and couldn't wait for Y/N and Atushiro to leave that room and come out here, so that they may see the small infant. Kurogiri told everyone to go out and just back to normal. He then realized something and didn't know if either Y/N and Atushiro setted it up.

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