Chapter XXX

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Every Hero that was at the meeting couldn't believe what they just heard. The other heros didn't have a full connection with the women but they knew her somewhat, but the main heros that were fully connected and cared for the women couldn't believe it at all. All Might, Present Mic, Eraser Head, and Midnight didn't understand this one bit.

Midnight: Th-that doesn't make any sense!! She died years ago!! She can't have...she..

Present Mic: But we all in the news that she died!! Yes, she can come back but the wound that we saw can't be right!! Eraser, please tell us you're wrong!!

All Might: You two calm down!! Yes, it's unbelievable but...I couldn't comprehend what was happening. This can't be right, right? And if it is then I have to...fight her...Eraser Head is this information true..?

Everyone looked at Eraser Head to confirm the information they all just heard. Eraser, even himself couldn't believe it himself. He asked someone to find the information and he just took it without looking at it.

Eraser Head: It is....I asked someone to find the information and he said everything be did was 99.87% true. So it must be..true...

Endeavor: I may not know the women like you 4 do but...even I don't understand this. I think we should find more information about this, or even more capture this man and get information out of him.

Sir Nighteye: Capturing him but don't you think beating him is too much Endeavor.

Ryukyu: Yes, but I still suggest just capture him and see if we can get minimum information at least at most.

All the Pro Heros nodded and began to leave the meeting they all just had. All Might, Eraser Head, Midnight, and Present stayed for a moment as they still couldn't understand the information about their supposedly "dead" friend/sister.

Present Mic: I don't understand this..we all saw her and her house burn/die. I don't get it!! I slammed both my fist down on the table.

Eraser Head: Neither do I Hizashi. *sighs in frustration* unless...she wanted she planned this..all this....

They all looked at him and stared at him for a moment.

Midnight: What do mean, she planned this Aizawa?

Eraser Head: What I mean is that she planned her "fake death", and wanted her house to burn down so no evidence is left behind. The kids ran away so that no one knows where they are or take them away. All this..she planned this. She wanted this to happen. Everything up to now is all her. If we capture the man and get information from him then we could find Y/N and ask why she's doing all this.

All Might couldn't believe it. He thought he failed her but to hear that she did all this he didn't believe it. Midnight always thought she lost her beat friend, her sister was actually alive. Did she want to get away from them? From her? Present Mic, always enjoyed Y/N's company to hearing the radio together and doing prank calls with her. He stopped doing prank calls as she wasn't there but is alive and yet she left him, she left them all behind. For what...?

At the hideout

Y/N was finally able to leave the room she was stuck in for days to 2 weeks. Atushiro was holding Reito talking to him, baby talk, and seeing him smile a few times here and there. Y/N was changing clothing to something more comfortable for her. After 2 minutes pass and Y/N got out the bathroom just to see her boyfriend baby talking to their son.

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