Before Reading The Story...

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Hello my Moonlights!

I am Luna and I am the author of this book.

After reading a lot of Camilo fan fictions and watching skits from TikTok, I decided to finally write my own.

The inspiration I got to make this fanfic is from TikTok, Genshin Impact, and a lot of Camilo fan fictions.

To those who read my other book titled, "Only A Robot", I am planning to finish that fanfic first before working on this book.

(I will be posting the prologue for now and when I'm done with OAR, I'll be editing this out)

I want to clarify that the Reader will be just like Antonio who is an animal whisperer but unlike Antonio, she does not get it from a miracle.

How she can understand animals will be revealed later in the story. How she speaks will be different as well.

For animals she will speak to them in their animal language (for example, with birds, she will tweet or chirp, for cats she will meow, for dogs she will bark, and so on) but if she's speaking to a human, it's broken english. Kind of like Razor from Genshin Impact.

Anywho, let's get on with the story!

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