15: Too Early

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[[Name]; 15 year-old]

When I woke up with Antonio, we were surprised to be in Camilo's arms, Sister Dolores is nowhere to be found.

Antonio commented how the three of us looked like a happy family. I blushed when he whispered it into my ear and watch as he left the room with a cheeky smile on his face, leaving me in his brother's loving arms.

I stared at the close door in shock. As much as I love being left alone in my mate's warm and strong arms but whAT THE HECK?!

Why would Antonio leave meeeee, I want my second favorite cuddle buddy back.


"Urgh... mi amor..."

Oh sweet gods from above please let me live to hear more of his deep, raspy, hot, heavenly—

"Mi bella esposa..."

"Wait huh?" I snapped out of my daydreaming and look up at Camilo.

I was about to ask him about the new nickname he gave me but I yelped when his face was only centimeters apart.

His half-lidded eyes stared at me as his eyes glow a dangerous violet, an unreadable expression on his face.

"C-Camilo?" I asked him, slowly cupping a hand to his cheek, worried.

He didn't say anything. Only observing me through his half-lidded glowing eyes with his lips parted, breathing slowly.

"Are you okay- mph!"

I was cut off when he suddenly slammed his lips on mine, trapping me in a deep and passionate kiss.

(Go to 🦎🦎🦎 if you want to skip le steamy steamy)

I stared at his closed eyes as I feel his tongue lick my bottom lip for entrance.

As much as I love our make outs, I put both of my hands on his shoulders and push him away from me to get some air.

"Camilo what's wrong with yoU- aH~" I tried speaking but it ended up with me moaning softly when his lips attached themselves on my neck while his hands roamed all over my body.

'What's wrong with him?' I thought to myself before letting out another breathy moan when one of his hands suddenly grazed my inner thighs.

"Cami~" I moaned his name and I feel him shudder in front of me.

He mumbled something from my neck and my gaze cleared up a bit.

"Wh-What did you say...?"

He growled and made me lay down on my back on the bed. I let out a small oof at the sudden action. I feel him position himself on top of me. His legs on either side of my hips and his hands on either side of my head.

"Keep going, mate..." He paused and came close to my ear. "I love hearing you moan my name out of that pretty little mouth of yours... so keep going and moan for your Alpha."


'Oh god, oh god, his rut came early, this wasn't supposed to happen!'

Alarmed at this discovery, I push him by his shoulders to get as much space in between us as possible. Eyeing his figure, his buttoned up shirt are halfway done, revealing his toned chest from all of that training in the past.

I lift my head up at his face and my eyes widen. His face is flushed and he's breathing heavily. His eyes are still glowing but they're now dilated and I feel vulnerable and weak under his watchful gaze.

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