21: First Meetings

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[[Name]; 15 year-old]

Once everyone had their portraits with their lovers on their respective doors, the townspeople from below cheered and celebrated inside Casita.

"Camilo, if my portrait is on your door, does that mean I have to stay and live with you guys?" I asked him, not looking at him as I leaned on the railing and watch my papa running around, happily yelling that his children and future son-in-law can now shift.

No matter how many times I would hear my parents accepting my mate to be their son-in-law, I will still blush at the thought of it. My mate becoming my actual Alpha? What's the word that Sister Isabela and Sister Luisa said before??

Oh right, husband!

The thought of Camilo as my husband made my tail wag excitedly, a light blush on my cheeks.

"I hope so. I really want you to live with me and my family," He said and wrapped his tail with mine, letting my head lean on his shoulder as he wrapped an arm around my waist. "But if your family wants you to stay with them, who am I to disagree? They're your family as well."

I smiled and looked up at him, "What did I do to deserve such a loving mate?"

He smiled back and give me a chaste kiss on the lips, "And what did I do to deserve such a diosa?"

Both of us laughed and I felt his tail wrapped itself tight on my tail. I did the same and wrapped it around his tail as well.

Right to our left are my siblings in their hybrid forms, talking to Antonio excitedly as they talked about Tempest and Ashley's new features.

A tap on my shoulder made me turn around to see Sister Dolores with a concerted look on her face, Mareeyano right behind her.

"Is everything alright Sister Dolores?" I asked her. Camilo turned to his sister as well, curious and confused.

"I hear people at the border," She revealed to us. "One of them is complaining that the other got them lost for weeks while the other is looking for your mother."

My eyes widened at this and I snap my head to the first floor to see my mami already looking at me with her widened eyes and surprised face.

'She heard us.'

I watch my mama nod her head towards papa and his carefree aura turned serious. Mama went to the second floor and walked passed us, saying that we should follow papa while she talks to Camilo's Abuela.

By we, I meant me, Camilo, Tempest, and Ashley.

Me and my siblings were confused why Camilo is included since this is a family matter and even he was confused.

But we shrug it off, knowing that if we don't follow mama's orders...

A small shiver went up my spine as I imagined how she made us hunt for food for a week. It was not a good experience if you don't know how to hunt.

A kiss on the cheek made me snap back from reality to see Camilo locking his hands with mine.

"Come on, amor. Tio Fenrir and your siblings are waiting for us outside of Casita." He whispered as he gently tugged me to the stairs.

I stared at the stairs for a few seconds before looking back at mama. She is having a serious adult talk with Abuela and I can see a bit of excitement and worry in mama's eyes.

Knowing that I can't disobey mama's orders, I nod my head at Camilo and he smiled as we walked down the stairs together.

We managed to get away from the party without getting noticed by everyone. Well, almost everyone. Sister Dolores and Abuela probably knows why we're acting weird by now.

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