10: Disastrous Dinner Reveal

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[Camilo; 15 year-old]

After a few minutes of exchanging opinions about our Mate Mark, it is already passed lunch. Luckily for me, I already ate fruits with [Name], having our very first morning date.

I stood up from [Name]'s lap and held my hand out to her. She grabbed my hand and I help her stand up.

"It's passed noon, Mi Luna." I told her. "I need to get back and help my family for my cousin's engagement."

She nod her head in understanding. "If I felt something wrong, I'm going to you as fast as I can." She promised. "I don't care if your family notices me, I have a bad feeling about today."

I cupped her cheek with my hand and she leaned towards it. "Don't worry, mi amor, your mate won't let anything bad happened." I reassured her, kissing her forehead in the process.

She closed her eyes with a smile as I kiss her forehead. She opened her eyes to see my lovestruck gaze.

"Please be careful, Camilo." She begged, using my first name, meaning that she's serious. She only uses my first name if she's really serious or really worried about me. "Don't shapeshift too much, okay?"

"You have my word, [Name]." I promised her before wrapping my arms around her in a tight hug. My mate hugged me almost immediately and inhaled my scent.

I mentally chuckled. What did I do to deserve such a perfect girl like [Name] in my arms as my lover? My mate?

"Big Brother Sol, can we come with you?" Ashley asked, suddenly at our side. "We want to play tag with Antonio and Parce!"

To her side is her brother, Tempest, nodding his head, backing up her sister. I chuckled at the devil dogs before nodding my them and they let out happy woofs. [Name] and I broke our hug and laugh at her siblings.

The girl to my side suddenly perked up. "Cami, I almost forgot. Since we marked each other, some of your sense have heightened." She told me with a happy smile. "Same with other... skills? Is that the word I'm looking for?"

I arched a brow. "What do you mean, mi vida?"

"This is what papa forgot to mention, since we have our Mate Mark, our senses and skills heightened. I don't have to explain our heightened senses, I know that you're smart to understand it." She said with a teasing smile towards me.

I playfully rolled my eyes before gesturing her to continue.

"As for our skills, whenever our eyes would glow, our speed, agility, strength, stamina, endurance, basically all skills would heightened." She said, a closed eye smile on her face. "But not heightened enough for it to be considered as a miracle or gift to your family, only enough for us to be seen as future Alphas of the pack."

"You really want to be the future Alpha Luna and follow your parent's footsteps, huh?" I asked her, smiling at her adorable face.

"That, and it's because I want to lead the pack with you." She blushed and looked away.

In the background, her siblings are running around us, teasing us for being in love with each other. I chuckled at the sight and walk in front of her, giving her a chaste kiss on the lips.

"I want to lead the pack with you too, Mi Luna."


I let out a yell of excitement as I ran through the forest with newfound speed, my eyes glowing a bright violet. I look behind me to see Tempest and Ashley running after me.

"Try and catch me, devil dogs!" I yell out from behind, a huge smirk on my face.

I heard them growl and run faster to catch up with me. "Just because you and big sister [Name] have a mate mark does not mean you have to be cocky about your new abilities!"

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