13: Clingy Mate

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[[Name]; 15 year-old]

"Are done harassing my daughter, Camilo?"

The love of my life, who is on top of me, yelped and stopped tickling my sides to look at my papa with a nervous smile.

Using his distraction to my advantage, I pounced on him and tickled his sides.

Now, it is my turn to be on top of him and him under me.

'I kinda like him under me...'

"Victory shall be mine!" I happily screamed, ignoring my previous thoughts as I sit on top of Camilo's stomach and tickle him all over.

"Pup, not you too..."

I ignored my papa and continue to tickle Camilo, who's already crying tears of joy and pain of being tickled.

"M-Mi Luna," He tried to speak but giggles and laughs only came out of his mouth. "M-Mi a-amor... leme breaATHE—" More laughs came out of his kissable lips and I laughed along with him.

"[Name], give him space to breathe." My mama commanded and I stopped my tickle attack on my lover.

Both of us have huge smiles on our faces whilst breathing heavily. I gently got off of him and kneeled on his side, giggling at his flushed face.

"How come she listens to you and not to me?" Papa whined to mama.

I can feel my mama smirk at him. "When the twins love spending more time with you, [Name] loves spending more time with me."

"You..." Camilo breathed heavily. "You go all out on our tickle attacks, mi amor."

"It's because I love your your laugh, Cami," I admitted, smiling down at him and he smiled back. "You always make my days shine."

Camilo sat up, using one hand to support his weight while his other hand tucked a stray strand of my hair behind my ear.

"And you always make my nights enchanting." He flirted with a dashing smirk.

I blush a light pink and hide my face on his chest. He laughed and wrapped his arms around me in a loving embrace.

My eyes then snapped open in realization. Raising my head from Camilo's chest, I looked at my wolf parents with a shocked face.

"Since when did you guys talk like a human?!" I yelled at them, surprised.

The boy hugging me realized this as well and turned towards my parents with the same shocked expression as me.

My parents laughed at our reactions. "Since forever, pup," Mom chuckled. "We're just waiting for the right time to surprise you two."

I let out a small whine and hide my face on the crook of Camilo's neck, hiding my face from my parents and other people witnessing us.

"Why you guys hideyyy~" I turned soft and continue to whine, unintentionally making my mate blush bright shades of red with a loving smile as he stared at my curled up form in his arms.

Said mate hugged me lovingly, saying, "You're too cute for your own good Mi Luna."

Chuckles can be heard around us. I lift my head to take a small peek and see the rest of Camilo's family watching us with amused smiles on their faces.

Oh boy.


"For the last time Estrella, give me my mate back!"

Estrella and the rest of Camilo's cousins and sister are dragging me away from Camilo.

What's the reason why they are dragging me away from my mate?

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