12: Found

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Little Note:

As you can tell, the image above is the new book cover that I made!

Any thoughts or opinions about it?

If you can't see it that well, I can put it down here!

Anyway, the second part of the "Little Note" will be at the very bottom of the chapter

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Anyway, the second part of the "Little Note" will be at the very bottom of the chapter.

Happy reading!


[Camilo; 15 year-old]

I let out coughs as I swipe the air in front of me to clear off the dust particles in the air. My eyes stopped glowing moments ago.

"Camilo... are they alright?"

Turning to my left, I saw [Name] with an anxious look as she hugged my left arm comfort me and herself.

"I-I... I don't know..." I trailed off before spotting Tia Julieta in front of two kneeling girls, making my eyes widen. "There!"

The both of us ran towards them and wrapped them in a group hug in which they accepted and hugged us back but weakly.

"Don't ever run off to danger again Mirabel, Estrella," I sternly told them, pulling away from the group hug. "I wouldn't forgive myself if one of you were hurt.. or worse.."

"Julieta, Camilo, come quick!"

I heard my mama yelled out for me and my Tia. Both of us were hesitant to leave them but mami yelled for us again, this time, with urgency.

"Julieta, Camilo!"

"Don't move," Tia finally said and faced her daughter and her daughter's novia. "We'll be right back."

She turned to grab my arm and I let her drag me away to my mama.

I turn my head to see [Name] already looking at me with a longing look.

I give her a reassuring smile saying, "Be with them Mi Luna, I'll be back soon!"

[[Name]; 15 year-old]

"Be with them Mi Luna, I'll be back soon!"

Camilo said his final words to me and I turned towards my mate's cousin and friend.

"Estrella and her mate, how are you feeling?" I asked them gently.

Estrella's mate is in a daze, looking around and observing her family with a guilty look so I turn to Estrella for her answer.

She frowned and wrapped an arm around her mate's shoulders, shaking her head at me.

I nod my head in understanding and went back to observing everyone around me.

Looking around, I see everyone devastated when their den collapsed. All of them are wearing scared, anxious and worried faces.

"My powers they're gone— what about Antonio? What's he gonna do?"

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