19: Being Open

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[[Name]; 15 year-old]

"Big Sister [Name]?"

Camilo and I turned our heads and a familiar pair of twins walked up to us with their ears flopped downwards and their tails in between their legs.

My big sister senses are tingling and I bet Camilo's big brother senses are tingling as well.

"Is there something bothering you two?" Camilo asked as I kneeled to my wolf siblings and hug them with all the love and care in my body.

I feel them let out a shaky breath before snuggling themselves into me, making me sit down on the ground and allow them to properly hug me.

"Mama and papa want you to come with us," Ashley mumbled into my chest.

"It's regarding some letter from mama's side of the family," Tempest added.

"And they need all three of us present for them to tell us what's inside the letter?" I guessed and they nodded their heads, saying sorry to Camilo for not being invited.

My mate shook his head with a laugh. "It's alright guys! It's a family matter that should be discussed between the family, I understand." He reassured them.

(A/n: We legit need someone as thoughtful as Camilo bruh— WE NEED A CAMILO IN OUR LIVES— Time to surf through the internet for a Camilo plush TwT (if only I have the money for said plush))

I thanked him, a soft smile on my face as I kissed his cheek. He grinned stupidly before running off to help the rest of his family building Casita.

Before he left, he promised to give his ruwawa to me later so I can use it as a blanket. The thought of having his ruwawa again makes me giddy. It always smells like citrus, arepas, and his natural musky scent.

Realizing that I've been daydreaming, I shake my head and look down at my siblings who are looking at me with teasing smiles. "You miss him already don't you?"

Blushing, I nodded my head and stood up from the ground. "You guys know that I can't lie to you." I chuckled. "Now, where's Mama and Papa?"

"Follow us."


We now arrived back at our den where the rest of our pack are resting. Some of the wolf pups are playing with each other while their parents are keeping an eye on them.

Oh right, when my siblings and I arrived at where mama and papa are waiting for us, they told us to talk about the letter back in our den without prying ears.

At times like these, I would've thrown a tantrum, saying how they should've told us to meet them at the den. But as soon as I saw our parents' serious expressions, I stopped myself and followed them with the same serious expression that they have.

On the inside, I'm anxious. The letter is from mama's side of the family. I'm worried that the contents of the letter will be bad and they will take mama away from us.

Oh no, what if they take Ashley and Tempest away?!

An unintentional whimper came out of me and my family looked at me, worriedly.

"What's on your mind, [Name]?" Papa asked as we continue to walk deeper into the cave. Fortunately for us, the rest of the pack accepted my parents, specifically mama, as humans or part humans.

They see it as a unity that we wolves and humans can be together. I mean, my relationship with Camilo is similar to my parents. The roles are just switched.

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