[Bonus] Deleted Scenes [Bonus]

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S'cene 1: Antonio's Curiosity

Antonio asks Camilo about what he heard when he was 3 years-old at that time in the nursery. He will ask Camilo about his relationship and Camilo will tell him in the nursery room whilst making the room soundproof.

Chapter supposed to be in: "06: Seven Nights With You"

Reason why it was not included:
I decided to let Antonio either be aware about his older brother's relationship and didn't tell anyone or he forgot about Camilo ever mentioning his secret relationship (since he was still a Bebe). This scene was then revamped under "Disastrous Dinner Reveal".


Scene 2: Camilo Believes Mirabel

Camilo will yell out to everyone that he believes Mirabel despite not witnessing the cracks. Abuela would shrug him off and proceed to the party.

Chapter supposed to be in: "08: Ceremonial Cracks and Markings"

Reason why it was not included:
It didn't feel right for me to include it, so I made Camilo be observant and notice the little things instead like how Sherlock Holmes solve his cases.


Scene 3: Camilo and [Name]'s Training

A montage of Camilo and [Name] training with Fenrir and Aaryn. Their training consists of all the knowledge and skills that they need to know for the future when they become the next Leaders of the pack.

Some of their trainings will also include them sparring each other on a 1v1 or 2v2 match to test their skills and what they've learned.

Chapter supposed to be in: "05: Unlocked"

Reason why it was not included:
I can't explain and/or narrate fight scenes. That's just it. At least you guys know that they were training to physically, mentally, and emotionally improve themselves as a person or wolf.


Scene 4: [Name]'s Pain and Reveal

During Camilo and Abuela fighting each other, Abuela will lift her hand and supposed to slap Camilo on the face for "talking back" or "defending" Mirabel.

The people in the center will be Mirabel, Camilo, and Abuela.

The rest of the family, including Estrella, will be on the sidelines and would shout Camilo and Abuela's name in fear and shock.

[Name] will appear all of a sudden and ran in front of Camilo to take the hit. She will hit the ground because of the force and would be in pain.

Her sudden appearance shocked the rest of the family while it angered Abuela.

Seeing that Camilo's lover is in pain and that it was caused by Abuela, he will yell at her for all the things that she had done to hurt the family while hugging [Name] and will look up at her, showing his glowing violet eyes to the family for the first time.

Chapter supposed to be in: "11: Feelings Within"

Reason why it was not included:
It could have been a good idea to use this scene as the finale but I want to have Camilo defend himself and the others who felt the same pressures as him. Hence, the published "11: Feelings Within".


Scene 5: Casita's Protection

Camilo, Estrella, and [Name] managed to avoid Casita's tile waves and stay with Mirabel. When Casita push Mirabel off of the roof, with the candle, Camilo will catch her and the four kids will group hug each other to try and protect themselves.

Casita will move the furnitures and save the four teenagers.

Chapter supposed to be in: "11: Feelings Within"

Reason why it was not included:
I felt that the finalized version of "Feelings Within", where Casita protected Mirabel and Estrella instead had more impact and oomph than the scene.


Scene 6: [Name] Breaks The Door

[Name] will roundhouse kick Antonio's door before grabbing him in her arms and get out of Casita with Camilo following behind them.

Chapter supposed to be in: "11: Feelings Within"

Reason why it was not included:
I thought that it would be more cool for Camilo to do it instead, it will also prove that his training with Fenrir helped him a lot.


Scene 7: [Name]'s Sacrifice

[Name] was the first one to approach Mirabel (and Estrella, unsure), she will notice the dying candle in her hands and will take the candle from her.

[Name] will kneel and sacrifice her life by keeping the Candle lit for a little bit, her eyes would glow and she will be like a statue, unmoving, hyper focused on keeping the candle lit, even if it is just a small flame, she will try to keep it lit.

Mirabel will run away from this point and Julieta goes to see [Name], her eyes glowing as she keeps the candle alive, and no Mirabel

Camilo will see [Name] kneeling like a statue with the small candle in her hands and will try to snap her out of it.

Fenrir and Aaryn will reveal and confess how [Name] was given to them by the heavens as a gift, which explains why she can keep the candle lit even if it's only a little bit.

Every gifted Madrigal will have 10% of their gift.

Example, Isabela can only sprout small plants, Antonio can only understand small insects, Camilo can only shift one part of his body, etc.

Chapter supposed to be in: "11: Feelings Within"

Reason why it was not included:
It wouldn't make sense for [Name] to keep the candle alive, however, it is a nice AU to make.


Scene 8: Lost Sibling

During the fall of Casita, one of [Name] siblings will get stuck inside Casita and will be severely injured. There is a chance of them dying.

Chapter supposed to be in: "12: Found"

Reason why it was not included:
It seemed a little dark for killing off one of [Name]'s siblings. I will not say who I was targeting but I'm honestly glad that I decided to scratch the scene off.


Scene 9: [Name]'s Tadashi Hamada Style

[Name] will do a Tadashi Hamada style and enter the falling casita to save her sibling. Camilo will do a Hiro Hamada style and tries to stop [Name] but fails.

[Name] successfully protected her sibling but was severely injured, she'll not die though.

Chapter supposed to be in: "11: Feelings Within" and "12: Found"

Reason why it was not included:
Since it is somewhat connected to "Scene 8" I decided to scratch it off as well.


Scene 10: Camilo's Day Off

Camilo will have a full day off and spend that whole day spending his time with [Name].

Chapter supposed to be in: "09: Two Markings"

Reason why it was not included:
Having Camilo have half a day off makes more sense, since he still needs to help his family prepare for dinner.


Little Note:

A little chapter filled with scenes that did not made the final cut and was scratched out.

I feel like it will take a while for me to upload the 13th chapter so I hope that this bonus chapter will suffice for now.

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