03: New friend

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[Camilo; 12 year-old]

"Camilo, mijo, come to the front door please!" I heard mi mami (Pepa) yelled from downstairs.

"I'll be back for you, okay hermano?" I asked my 3 year-old brother, Antonio. We are playing with his wooden animals by the nursery as one of my chores and honestly? I'm glad that playing with my little brother is included as one of my chores.

Antonio nodded his head and continue playing with his toys. I stood up and exit the nursery while waving bye to my brother, promising to him that I will be back in a bit.

Going down the stairs, I am met with my parents, Abuela, and the Sanchez family. 'What are they doing here?' I thought to myself before walking up to them with a smile.

"Buenas tardes, Camilo!" Señor Sanchez greeted me and I nodded my head, greeting him back. "I'm sure that you have met my daughter, Estrella." He said and pushed her daughter to me gently.

I am familiar with Estrella. I babysit her little sister before and there are times where we would hangout.

Estrella is a pretty girl, I admit, but [Name] is the only one in my heart. I wonder why they're here.

I looked towards my parents to see them looking at us with small nervous smiles. I raise a brow at them before looking back at Estrella, who faked a smile at me. I took note of her dull and tired eyes.

"H-hola Camilo..." She whispered, greeting me. Okay, something is wrong.

"Hola Estrella..." I greeted her back, awkwardly waving my hand at her.

I can feel Abuela smiling at our interaction, not noticing the hint of awkwardness between us. "Camilo, why don't you spend time with Estrella in your room? We'll call you when lunch arrives." Abuela said to me.

I nodded my hand and gestured for Estrella to follow me upstairs. Instead of going to my room, which is off-limits, I went to the nursery instead. What? I did promise my hermano that I'll be back to play with him.

As soon as we both enter the room, I closed the window and locked the door. "Casita, can you soundproof the room please?" I requested and waited a few seconds before facing the girl in front of me.

"Okay, Estrella, spill, what's wrong?" I asked her, getting straight to the point and not beating around the bush.

The girl in front of me sighed before sitting on the floor, grabbing one of Antonio's toys and moving it around, as if the wooden toy has a mind of its own.

"Mama and papa wants me to be your novia..." She revealed with a sigh.

My eyes widen. "What?!" I screamed, having no worries of Dolores hearing us since the room is soundproof at the moment. "But... you like girls!"

She nodded her head, tears starting to form at the corner of her eyes. "I know! I haven't told my parents that I'm gay and I fear that if I told them, they won't accept me." She cried. "Besides, I already like somebody else!"

I groaned and lay on Antonio's bed, rubbing my eyes at the sudden information that was revealed upon me.

"Your parents wants you to marry me?" I asked, my voice quiet.

She shook her head. "Only my papa. Mama was against the idea of me being engaged to you, saying that we should love whoever we want." She said with a small smile on her face.

I turn my head to her, still laying down on my head, and smiled at her. "Who do you like?" I asked her, curious. "Is it someone I know?" I teased her, making her blush.

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