22: Family Time By [Name]

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Weeks has passed and everyone is starting to go back to the way it was before. However, there are some changes.

Alma declared that the weekends will be their day offs and that every Madrigal have the right to decline a chore when and/or if they feel sick, tired, and etc.

It was honestly a huge breather for all the hardworking Madrigals, especially Julieta, Luisa, and Camilo.

During those weeks, [Name] and Camilo were able to convince her parents in living with him in Casita. Fenrir was against it for the first few days but then decided that it would benefit both parties.

The Encanto will have their pack for protection from outsiders while the pack will have a stable home for them to live in, so he agreed.

Fenrir's agreement made Camilo dance all day with his arms around [Name]'s. Of course, there's the occasion where she will steal her mate's ruana and run around the town in her wolf form.

Camilo, who is still not used to his wolf form, ran after her in his hybrid form, seeing how his speed and agility increased whenever he is in that form. He silently thanked the gods and Fenrir for making him athletic.

In the end, [Name] made a nest in their room that is made of Camilo's ruanas and she sleeps there instead of their shared bed.

Speaking of [Name] sleeping on her 'nest'. Let our fellow readers read what's currently happening in their room.

[Camilo; 15 year-old]

(A/n: I miss doing his pov ngl.)

I grumbled, irritated from my spot on my shared bed with [Name], my arms crossed in front of me.

A scowl on my face as I continue to glare at my chameleon plushie in mi vida's arms.

"[Name], let go of my plushie." I growled lowly.

[Name] growled back at me and went under the piles of my yellow ruanas, hugging my plushie closer to her.

"No!" I heard her muffled yell from underneath ruanas. "He is my son and you're not taking him away from me!"

She let out a small 'hmph' while my cheeks darkened in color but my face did not change from its scowl.

I let out a sigh before getting up from our bed and sitting across from her ruana-makeshift-nest. I poke the big lump and wait.

A few seconds later, golden eyes appeared and I smiled gently at them. I watch as those beautiful orbs squint at me in suspicion before her beautiful self emerged, my plushie in her arms.

"Listen, [Name]," I begin, watching her with amused eyes when she tilts her head cutely, still squinting her eyes at me. "It's a Saturday. I am tired. I need my plushie on our bed. I also want you on our bed. So, can we please call it a draw and say that my plushie is our son instead?"

As soon as I said that my plushie will be our son, her face erupted into a bright shade of pink and her wolf ears and tail poofed out, her tail happily wagging behind her.

"Our son?" She asked, her voice full of hope as she leaned her upper body closer to me.

I chuckled and kissed her nose. Her eyes closed for a bit when my face neared her. "Our son." I repeated to her before letting out a yelp when she pounced on me and nuzzled into the crook of my neck.

"You hear that Leeyown?" She asked my plushie, giving it a loving kiss on the head. "You have a papa!"

My eyes widened as a dark blush spreads around my cheeks, neck, and ears. I shake my head and chuckled nervously. "H-His name is pronounced, Leon, [Name]."

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