23: Happy Birthday To Me

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[[Name]; 16 year-old]

I grinned deviously at the sleeping shapeshifter next to me. Slowly standing up from my bed, I jumped high in the air, turned into a wolf, and landed on Camilo's stomach.


I feel him sit up as I laid on his lap, smiling up at him, showing a toothy wolf grin.

He looked down at me and gave me a slight glare. "How dare you woke me up from my beauty sleep."

With a small bark, I licked his cheek and shift back into my human-y self. I wrap my arms around him and give him a big kiss on the lips. He immediately kissed back, placing his hands on my hips and pulled me closer to him.

We broke the kiss and pant heavily. He stared at me with an amused smile. "If this is how you're going to wake me up, I wouldn't mind." He said to me, nuzzling my nose with his nose.

"You wouldn't mind if I destroyed your lungs with my wolfy woof woof self?" I asked him, smiling when he laughed.

"You and your weird names, of course I wouldn't mind, you're my mate and I love you." He smiled and give me another kiss on the lips before standing up from our shared bed, half-naked.

Oh right, we had to strip half naked last night because it was so hot.

With that in mind, I looked down to see bandages around my chest area and lower regions. Hmm, I should ask for Sister Dolores or Sister Isabela about undergarments. I haven't have those in a while since Ashley and Tempest somehow ripped them last week.

"I love you too!" I yelled out to him with a bright smile as he disappeared in our walk-in closet.

My smile slowly dropped into a small frown. 'That's weird. Camilo usually greets me happy birthday.' I turn my head to the calendar and saw that today is my birthday.

We celebrated Camilo's birthday just a few months ago and this month and day is supposed to be my 16th birthday.

I suppressed my sadness and forced a small smile on my face.

'So what if he doesn't greet me? As long as I get to spend a day with him, I can survive my birthday without him greeting me.' I hyped myself up.

"Your turn, mi vida."

Turning around, I was met with Camilo in a fancy looking suit.

Turning around, I was met with Camilo in a fancy looking suit

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"Ooh!" I stare at him in awe with a blush on my cheeks.

'He looks like my dinner—'

"I know that I'm good looking but I want my future esposa to come back to me please."

My blush darkened when he called me esposa. Thanks to Estrella, she helped me with some Spanish words. Nicknames to be specific.

"Oh?" He hummed, amused at my reactions. He stared at me with half-lidded eyes as his lips turned into a sly smirk. "Veo que mi futura esposa está tomando clases de Español."

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