08: Ceremonial Cracks and Markings

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[Camilo; 15 year-old]

"Fifty years ago, in our darkest moment, this candle blessed us with a miracle. And the greatest honor of our family has been to use our blessings to serve this beloved community. Tonight, we come together once more as another steps into the light to make us proud."

As usual, Abuela starts her regular speech. Holding Tia Julieta's hand for comfort, I listen to Abuela's words with a smile.

I know that Abuela is a bit rough on the edges but she didn't know any better. I remember how much I was so frustrated at the old woman for not understanding me back then. With all the constant pressure, chores, and anxiety.

However, the years passed and I've learned to be more understanding and open-minded, thanks to [Name]. She made me learn and understand two sides of a coin.

I'm also thankful for her parents. As future Alphas of their pack, we were taught how to be wise at a young age and to think critically in any situation. Their training was also helpful. We get to control our emotions more and we get to learn how to defend ourselves and attack our enemy at the same time.

When training hand to hand combat, [Name] and I would switch roles in defending and attacking in order to overwhelm the enemy. Tio Fenrir and Tia Aaryn were training us that day and dios mio, they're so in sync with each other, it looked like they were dancing.

In short, [Name] and I are practically masters in hand to hand combat. We even 'graduated' for fun. So here I am now, a 15 year-old boy who is living a double life. The shapeshifter and babysitter that everyone sees on a daily basis and Camilo Madrigal, the mate of [Name] and the future Alpha of their pack.

I'm getting a little bit distracted with all my daydreaming. Let's go back to the ceremony.

Drums echoed around the Casita and all of our gazes turned towards the red flower curtains. Said curtains opened by themselves and my little brother stands in the middle of it.

Tiles turned themselves over to create a small red carpet for mi hermano, which I smiled. Clapping with everyone else, two lights shine over Antonio highlighting his small frame.

A few seconds passed and Antonio still hasn't move from his spot. Even Casita nudged him a bit to make him move forward.

I frown, worried. 'He's nervous isn't he?' I mentally asked myself. 'Ay idiota, I should've stayed with him behind the curtain!'

I mentally beat myself up for not staying with my little brother before remembering that Estrella and Mirabel are still behind the wall.

Watching closely, Antonio looked to his side and held his hand out, waiting for someone to take it. Few seconds passed and Mirabel comes out, taking his left hand. My eyes widen and a huge smile formed itself on my face.

Negative murmurs and mumbles erupted from the crowd but I ignored them, only focusing on Antonio reaching out his other hand to..... me?

Mirabel looked up towards me and smiled softly, nodding in my direction. I feel someone nudging me towards them. I looked behind me to see that it was Tia Julieta.


Is the only thing she said before nodding her head towards their direction.

I smiled at my Tia before walking on the other side of my brother. Now standing under the spotlight are me, Antonio, and Mirabel.

My prima looked at me and nodded her head in thanks. With a soft smile, I nod back. Mirabel is here for Antonio and I am here for the both of them.

Out of everyone in my family, I am closest with my baby brother and cousin. I'll do everything that I can to protect them and make them happy. Especially Mirabel.

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