02: Mate

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[Camilo; 10 year-old]

The new morning sun showered my eyelids and I groaned, not wanting to wake up. I slowly opened my eyes to see that I am still in the nursery. 'Oh right, I slept in the nursery to keep Mirabel company.'

I yawned and stretched my arms outwards, sitting up. I looked down at my side to see mi prima still sleeping soundly with a smile on her face. I smiled at her and gave her a few more minutes to sleep before waking her up.

"Mirabel, prima, it's time to wake up." I whispered, shaking her shoulder softly.

Mi prima groaned and attempted to removed my hand. "N-nooo..." She whined and rolled over so her back is facing me. I chuckled, 'She hasn't changed a bit.'

"Since you don't want to wake up, I'll just eat your breakfast and leave no leftovers." I teased her and I saw that her body tensed before sitting up, glaring at me.

With a very hard glare she looked at me in the eyes and threatened me. "Do that and I'll tell Tia Pepa about it."

By it, she meant [Name]. After our conversation last night, I told her that she's shy and I promised her that I won't reveal her identity to anyone, even mi familia. She understood but is still wary whether the person that caught my eyes are real are not.

I'm just glad that I get to tell this to someone. For the last 5 years, wanting to tell someone about her and our meet-ups has been eating me alive.

The only thing that Mira knows is that I have a crush on her, yes, I'm admitting it to myself that I like [Name], and her appearance. She doesn't know where she lives, her name, and background. I can tell that she wants to know more about her but I just can't risk it and she, thankfully, understood. I really want to keep her a secret.

My gaze hardened at what she said, in slight anger and fear. "Don't you dare, prima." I mumbled. If mami and the others found out, they will start to question me and I won't be able to see her again!

[Name] is my safe place whenever I feel pressured by Abuela and the huge amount of chores. I always go to her whenever the pressure is too big or my negative thoughts go through my head and I vent to her about it.

She would just smile and cheers me up with her cute broken english. After 5 years of being friends with her, I noticed that her english is getting better. There are moments where she would say sentences with perfect grammar. I would praise her for her hard work in speaking in english and her eyes would sparkle and hug me very tight while saying 'thank you'.

Not only is her english is getting better, her beauty increases everyday. Every time I would meet up with her, I always feel like I'm in the presence of an angel— goddess even!

Let's go back to me and Mirabel, I got sidetracked again by daydreaming about [Name], idiota.

Silence washed over us before it broke by us laughing at how stupid we are. After we calmed down I asked her seriously. "You won't tell right?" I'm putting my 101% trust on her for this.

She nodded and zipped her mouth with a giggle. I chuckled before grabbing her hand and head out of the room. "Let's hurry up so I can get seconds!"

Mirabel laughed at me before both of us entered the dining room, giggling like there's no tomorrow.

"Mijo, where were you? You weren't in your room when I came to wake you up." I heard mi mami said and cupped my cheeks with her hands, a small cloud on her head.

I laughed softly before removing her hands on my face and taking them in mine. "No te preocupes, mami. I was sleeping in the nursery room because she was having a nightmare." I reassured her, half lying. I did slept with Mirabel in her room but not because of a nightmare.

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