14: In-Law Bondings

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Little Note:

I claim the image that has my ugly doodle on it. That ugly doodle belongs to me.

Happy reading!


[[Name]; 15 year-old]

"Sorry, hermosa but I'll be busy babysitting some kids around town." Camilo apologized, giving me a sad smile.

In return, I gave him a pout. "But you promised us a date..." I whined.

I was looking really forward for our date today. He mentioned that he found this cool place with a bunch of greenery and flowers surrounding the area. I believe it's what he called a 'meadow.'

My mate sighed, obviously disappointed with the sudden chores that was laid upon his shoulders.

"I know that I promised us a date, mi amor." He paused before brightening up as if he has an idea. "Tell you what, why not spend the rest of the day with my family, you know, to get to know them better?"

I pursed my lips and give him an unsure look, "I-I don't know Camilo... what if they don't like me?"

He shook his head and give me a kiss on the forehead, cheeks, and lastly, my lips.

"They won't like you, they will love you. Heck, they already love you for being with me." He reassured me and flashed one of his famous grins.

"You think so?"

"I know so."

Him being positive about this makes me smile internally.

I can tell that he's trying his best to make up for our supposed date today.

It wouldn't hurt to at least get to know his family. I already spend some time with Sister Dolores. The rest, I have some moments but not exactly one-on-one with them.

I sighed before smiling up at him, giving in.

"Very well, Mi Sol," I give him a soft kiss before pulling away, cupping his cheeks. "I'll take your word for it. However, you will plan us a date this weekend, understood?"

Today is a Wednesday. Three days from now will be a Saturday. Hopefully, Camilo doesn't have any chores and will plan us a date.

With a happy grin, he lifts me off the ground and spin me around, my feet off the ground.

This will be a never ending routine of him spinning me around in the air, huh?

Not surprised, I'm kinda getting used to it.

"You're going to make me dizzy with all that spinning, hermoso." I commented, chuckling after he gently placed me on the floor.

Camilo gave me an innocent smile. "I love carrying you, makes me feel like you're a baby in my arms." He teased.

I playfully roll my eyes before walking alongside him down the stairs and at the front door.

I bid him a goodbye kiss on the lips and I see literal sparkles coming out of him. It looks cute and stupid. Stupidly cute.

Watching him walk away to do his babysitting chores, I sighed once I couldn't see him anymore.

Who will I spend my time with?

His little brother? No, he's going to spend time with his parents in the morning.

Abuela Alma? Nope. She's scary. Nope, nope, nope. I'll spend time with her last.

Isabela? Hmm, maybe later when she's not busy helping some gardeners with Luisa.

Estrella and Mirabel? Wait, never mind, they're out on a date again.

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