04: Arranged Marriages

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[Camilo; 13 year-old]

I woke up with a smile. Today is my 13th birthday!

Knock Knock

"It's open!" I yelled over to the person behind my door.

The door opened and the person revealed themselves to be my prima, Mirabel.

"Buenos días, primo!" She greeted me with a smile. "Ready to start the day with a happy birthday boy smile?"

I grinned, getting up from my bed and hugged her. "Buenos días, prima!" I greeted her back and placed her on the ground. I noticed that I'm about half an inch taller than her now, so I decided to tease her.

"Well well well, prima, it seems that you're getting shorter day by day." I teased with a smirk.

She grumbled. "Tell me about it." She said sarcastically, rolling her eyes with a small smile. "Vamanos Camilo, we need to celebrate your morning party with the familia and then afternoon party with the town."

My smile faltered, remembering how my birthday is memorable in a good way and in a bad way. It is memorable because I got to meet my mate and had a panic attack when I first received my gift.

I stare at Mirabel's face, who is still in front of me, telling me the plans for today but her words went from one ear to the other.

Suddenly, my mind went back to her gift ceremony. Her door disappeared that night. As soon as everyone dispersed and the adults made us go to our rooms to have their adult talk, I immediately went to the nursery and comforted her while her sisters and parents are away.

Honestly, out of everyone, I feel like Antonio and I are the only ones in the family who treats Mirabel normally. By normally, I meant treating her no different. Whether she has a gift or not, she is still part of la familia Madrigal. She is Mirabel Madrigal, my baby cousin.

I shook my head at the memories before grabbing her hand and going downstairs to eat some breakfast.


"Feliz cumpleaños, Camilo!"

I squint my eyes at the streamers. My family goes all out every time, I don't want them overworking themselves but I know that I can't do anything because Abuela would be mad if we're slacking off.

"Gracias everyone." I thanked them before sitting down next to my usual seat in between my hermana and papa.

"Family," I heard Abuela called out, grabbing our attention. "Today is a wonderful day to celebrate our Camilo's thirteenth birthday. Later this afternoon, we will be celebrating his birthday with the whole town, here, in la casa Madrigal and I want everything to be perfect so all of you do your part. Am I understood?"

I mentally groaned. 'Even on my birthday, Abuela pushes us to our limit. Do our part? We've been doing that since we were five Abuela, we need a break every once and a while.' I thought sourly.

Everyone begins to eat after the announcement and I'm stuffing my face full of arepas. What? They taste so good that they just have to go inside my stomach!


I looked up to see Abuela calling me. I gulped down the food inside my mouth because it's respectful to speak to someone without food in your mouth, learned that from [Name], hehe.

"Yes Abuela?"

"How was your date with Estrella yesterday?"

I visibly flinched, my movements pausing after she asked the question. My right hand subconsciously went to my left shoulder for comfort.

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