[Filler] Christmas Special! [Filler]

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Little Note:

Let us pretend that it can snow in Colombia for this special ;>

[[Name]; 16 year-old]

"Big Sister [Name]!"

I snapped my eyes open and made them glow. I look around for any source of danger, only to see little Antonio looking up at me with big, sparkling eyes.

I relaxed and pulled Antonio in my arms in relief. "Don't scare me like that, Toñito," I sighed into his hair. "You almost gave me a heart attack."

Antonio laughed sheepishly. "Sorry, Big Sister [Name]."

I smiled at him, shaking my head, asking, "Is there a special reason why you woke me up?"

The little boy in my arms nodded and pointed at the closed window, exclaiming, "It's snowing!"

I quirked an eyebrow. "Snowing?" I asked him. "What's that?"

Before Antonio could answer, the room opened, and Camilo came wearing bulky clothes.

"Mi Sol?" I called out, confused. "What are you wearing?"

My mate looked at me ridiculously for a few seconds before laughing. "Mi Luna, it's the twentieth of December," He told me, giving me a set of bulky clothes that looked my size. "Come on. Mom and Dad told me you've never experienced Christmas or snow."

Oh, right. Mama and Papa forced Camilo to call them Mom and Dad. Similar to what his parents did to me before.

"It is my first time hearing the word snow..."

"Buena niña!" He praised, patting me on the head, triggering me to make my wolf ears and tail appear.

I closed my eyes as I relaxed under his touch and wagged my tail happily.

"How about Christmas? Have you heard of that?"

"Nope, not a clue."



"Antonio, summon everyone in the courtyard. We need to educate her."

"Sir, yes, sir!"

"What do you mean educate?!"

"Shh, let Alpha pamper and pet his Luna some more~"


I sit there on the couch with my mate next to me. The Madrigals and Akuma families live under one roof.

Alma insisted that my family should live with the Madrigals in Casita, and after many attempts, my Papa agreed.

"So, Christmas is a holiday with family get-togethers, a lot of food, gift-giving, and snow?" I repeated my notes to them. "Am I missing something?"

"Santa Claus and singing Christmas songs!" Antonio jumped into my arms. I let out a small 'oof' at the sudden weight, not expecting him to jump in my arms again.

"Toñito, what did I say about jumping into your sister's arms?" Mom (Pepa) raised a brow at Antonio.


"It's alright, Antonio," I reassured him, ruffling his fluffy hair. Suddenly, I heard a small growl beside me, and I smirked. "Are you seriously jealous of your brother right now, Cami?" I asked my mate without looking at him.

My question earned laughs around us. I could feel Camilo pouting as he wrapped his arms around my shoulders.

"But you're mine~" He whined to me.

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