[Extra: Estrella's lore]

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(A/n: Art belongs to me, and she has two different eye colors now

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(A/n: Art belongs to me, and she has two different eye colors now. You guys can follow me on Instagram if you want! I post my art there, hehe. It's @m_ari_luna, and don't expect too much, my art is inconsistent, and I'm still learning color theory 😭)

I know it has been a while, but some people ask questions about Estrella in my DMs!! I didn't know some of you guys wanted to get to know her. She looks like this, and I am about to explain her lore!!

(A/n: If you guys don't want to know her lore, then it's okay. This chapter is only for those who want to get to know her better. Also, this is her updated lore, which I will use in future stories. Consider her lore in Mi Luna as beta lore 😉)

[Start of Lore]

The Sanchez family was once a lovely family of four. Emilio Fransisco Sanchez, Gloria Amore Corazon-Sanchez, Francis Diego Sanchez, and Estrella Flora Sanchez. Emilio met Gloria when she flew away from her home country, the Philippines, to Colombia; from there, it was love at first sight for them.

Years into their relationship, Gloria was pregnant with Emilio, and they were ecstatic. However, they were worried because they were not married yet. With the Madrigals' help, they married before Gloria's due date. Then, Francis Diego Sanchez is born. A healthy baby boy for the Sanchez family, and they were over the moon.

Francis grew up to be a cute and respectful boy. Sometimes, he would hang out with the Madrigals— mainly Isabela and Dolores. He was their best friend and was Isabela's crush. Dolores would tease her prima about her little crush on their only male friend. At five years old, Emilio and Gloria surprised him on his birthday by announcing he would be an older brother. He was so happy that he cried like a baby on that day.

Months after his birthday, Estrella Flora Sanchez is born. To the Sanchez family, she is their wonder and miracle. They knew she would be famous because she was born with beauty and eyes like gems. Ten-year-old Francis, who now goes by Fran, loves and cares for her little sister for the next five years. He even brings her along whenever he spends time with Isabela and Dolores.

Suddenly, Estrella started to distance herself from Fran at six years old, and it saddened him. However, it didn't stop his love for his sister, and he continues to be the best big brother to her— even if she doesn't want to do anything with him. He asked himself why she would suddenly hate him but decided not to question it, content to take care of her in any way he could.

Estrella's reason for suddenly hating her older brother was jealousy. He's famous, gentlemanly, and respectful; everyone wants to befriend him. In her younger years, she was mostly called: Fran's little sister, Gentleman's sibling, the youngest Sanchez, and so on. It angered her when they didn't call her Estrella. To them, she was always someone who was related to her brother.

She kept these feelings hidden up until she was ten years old. Fran, who was now fifteen, became one of the heartthrobs around his age and was rumored to be dating Isabela. Sadly, those rumors are untrue, and Isabela still hasn't confessed— opted to admire him from afar. For five years, their relationship was constant banter and sarcastic remarks— mostly from Estrella. As much as Fran tries to fix their sibling relationship with each other, Estrella is stubborn and doesn't allow it. Their bond and relationship continue to grow larger and larger.

Suddenly, one day, Estrella and Fran got into a heated fight, and the last words she said to him were, "I hate you; I wish you weren't my brother!" She then turned to her room and slammed her door. Fran could only stand outside her door with sad and angry tears in his eyes. He really wanted to fix their relationship because he cared for her deeply as an older brother, but alas, he slept again that night with a failed mission to restore his bond with his sister. That very night, Fran woke up with a start to feel pain in his chest. He had a heart attack. The urge to scream in pain and ask for help was strong, but before he could call for help, he felt a pang of pain in his chest before going limp and laying back on his bed. Before passing away, he cried in his head, "I will always love you, mi hermanita, Florita... I'm sorry I didn't try hard enough to be your best brother..." With those last words in his mind, he passed away on his bed from a heart attack.

The next day, Estrella realized her words and the way she acted towards him through all the years and went to his room to apologize. When he didn't answer his door, she entered and noticed him very pale and not breathing. Panicking, she scrambled out of the house to get Julieta. After a while of checking up on him, Julieta told Estrella he died of a heart attack. Estrella cried for days alone in their house. Her parents came home with her new baby sister, Korra, and realized her new sibling's birth was on the day of Fran's death. Emilio and Gloria were depressed at the loss of their eldest child. He was so young and very healthy. The news spread of Fran dying, and of course, Isabela was wailing in regret and sadness.

Now at sixteen years old, she is the head of the Sanchez household. Her parents moved out of Encanto to travel the world. As much as they wanted to bring along Estrella and Korra, they decided to leave them in Encanto, where they knew they would be safe within the mountains. After Fran's death, Estrella grew independent and took on the role of the helper, deliverer, older sibling, and parental figure to Korra. At the young age of ten, she had to grow up for her sister's sake. She also vowed that day to be the best older sibling to Korra. Something that Fran tried to do countless times when he was alive but failed because of her stubbornness.

Estrella is not healthy— mentally and physically. For the past six years, she had an irregular sleeping and eating schedule. A "proper meal" for her is an arepa or two; she sleeps from 3 am to 6 am and skips breakfast; she mainly works and does her chores in the morning with no rest or breaks and strictly finishes them before noon so she can spend time doing her hobbies or taking care of her sister. It is a wonder how she survived this lifestyle, but she sacrificed everything for her sister. She puts Korra at the top of her list of priorities before anything else— even her own.

Camilo and Mirabel befriended her because she passed out once when she was thirteen, and they were twelve. Mirabel befriended her because she felt Estrella was lonely and had no friends— just like her. In contrast, Camilo befriended her because he wanted her to be his partner in crime when pranking someone.

Being with both of them for three years made Estrella happy. She found out she was a natural flirt like Camilo and had a knack for arts and crafts like Mirabel. Sadly, it didn't change that she's slowly killing herself with how she lives. She doesn't sleep much because she doesn't want to see Fran in her dreams. Regret constantly forms inside her whenever she sees her, and she can't handle seeing his face, knowing that it was her fault that caused him to have a heart attack.

Unbeknownst to her, Fran— in spirit— has been following and protecting her ever since he died. He tried contacting her in her dreams, but she always woke up before he could even get the chance to talk to her. It made him sad to see his sister this way, and he tried to tell her in any way he could that it was not her fault and only a natural cause.

Korra is aware of having an older brother but doesn't ask Estrella any questions because she knows his death impacted her a lot and brings terrible memories. So she tries her best as her little sister to help her big sister as much as possible to make her happy. With Estrella working a lot, she's a little popular with the people of Encanto. Sometimes, they would mistake her as a Madrigal for how many times she had helped them at a young age. Korra admires her older sister a lot, but knowing how busy she can get, she spends time with the other kids or Antonio at Casita.

[End of Lore]

Personality-wise, Estrella is sarcastic, funny, jokes around (there are times when she brings out her dark humor), a natural flirt, knows when to be serious but is mostly chill, (very) hardworking, and always puts others first before herself.

If you have any questions about her, go ahead and ask by commenting, and I will answer!

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