06.5: Seven Nights With Her

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[Estrella; 14 year-old]

Night 1

I woke up to Mirabel closing my window. I let out a yawn and look at the clock on top of my door. 1 am.

I carefully sit up and noticed Camilo not on the mattress.

Did he ran off to his girl?

I grabbed an extra paper and wrote on it.


Camilo went to his girl, didn't he?


I stood up from my bed and tapped Mirabel on the shoulder. She turned her head at me and I gestured at my hand that is holding the paper.

She raised a brow before gently taking the paper from me and reading it. She looked back up at me and nodded.

I let out a small groan. 'I get that we allow him to gallop with his girlfriend-slash-mate for the next nights but is he really going to leave me here with his prima? My friend and crush?' I thought to myself, my face turning sour as I have this urge to make my hand make contact on his slappable face.

"S-Stella? Y-You okay there?" Mirabel asked me, stuttering a little.

My sour face went into a bubbly version, making her sweat drop at my sudden mood change.

"Mhmm!" I hummed, nodding at her with an innocent smile. I was definitely not planning Camilo's funeral. "Peachy." I said through gritted teeth. I even felt my eye twitch in annoyance.

"It's about mi primo, isn't it?" Mirabel sighed and sat down at the edge of my bed.

"Yes." I answered almost immediately. "He has a very slappable face that attracts my hand."

The girl that I had a crush for 4 years laughed quietly, not wanting to wake the other members of my family.

"Well, that's Camilo for you." She chuckled.

I took a seat down next to her and I blushed when she put her head on my shoulder. 'Estrella Flora Sanchez. Keep yourself together.'

"There are times where you just want to be annoyed at Camilo but then there are times where he will protect you and be a true friend and cousin. You know?"

I hummed in reply. I was debating in my head whether I should wrap my arm around her.

'Oh just do it Estrella. You only live once in your life anyways.'

I gently place my arm around her shoulder with a blush on my face.

"R-Remember Bella, just because you don't have a gift does not make you less of a Madrigal."



"Thank you, Strella..."



"Call me Flora."

Night 2

"You can have the last piece, Bella."

"But Stella!—"

"I told you to call me Flora, Bella. No buts, now eat amor."

Alright, I know, I know. It's bold for me to call her amor but I can't help it. I really love her.

I smirked at Bella when she blushed at my nickname for her and silently eat her arepa.

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