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[[Name]; 24 year-old]

"Marco, Luis, Andres, Cruz, come back and apologize to your mama," Camilo commanded in his alpha voice to our boys, his eyes glowing a dangerous violet as he stared down at our kids. "You know better than to ruin the suits she'd made for you with Tia Mirabel."


I gave birth to four beautiful and handsome boys. All of them have the same facial features. They can only be differentiated by their hairstyle, clothes color scheme, and personalities.

(A/n: Since I'm too lazy to write what they look like, I'll draw what I imagined them to look like and post it in a chapter in the future when I have the inspiration and motivation to draw.)

Naturally, our sons will have their preferred parent to spend time with them. Marco and Andres are papa's boys, while Luis and Cruz are mama's.

Our four sons walked up to my form, sitting on the rocking chair in our room. The frown on my face stayed present as they walked up to me with bowed heads.

"Lo Siento, Mama." They apologized in quietly, not meeting my gaze.

My eyes lingered on them for a while before taking my eyes away from them. My yellow orbs moved to my 7-month baby bump. I feel my mate go to my side and gently caress my stomach.

"Mama..." I heard my youngest whimper.

I glanced his way and let him hug the side of my legs as he cried silently. Out of my four boys, Cruz is a crybaby. I don't mean it in the wrong way. Instead, I see him as someone sympathetic to those around him.

Marcos, like his father, is mischievous and a prankster. However, he has taken a liking to energy or electricity-based things. I remember this one time when he rubbed his feet on the rug with socks and zapped us.

Despite being a prankster, he also has the characteristics of a future Alpha for our pack. He's brave, talented, adventurous, and a person who's easy to talk to when you need someone.

Papa and Camilo are thinking of making him Alpha one day when he's come of age, like how Camilo and I became the Alpha and Luna of our pack at 18.

Luis is intelligent and calm. At a young age, he already talked about traveling the world and wanting to know the history of every place his foot would land.

Andres has this addiction to... melee weapons... or anything that can harm a person in general. It all started when he was stabbing the air with a fork. Camilo asked what he was doing, and Andrelito answered his father, saying that he was 'testing' the durability and sharpness of the fork.

Lastly is my youngest baby boy, Cruz. He has a quiet and creative boy who loves to use his imagination and make them into a reality. Just a week ago, he managed to make a toy car that can move made out of Cousin Isabela's vines.

It was a massive shock for me and Camilo to witness our children's unique ways. It made them stand out and helped us differentiate them easily.

Camilo and I love our sons equally. They just have a favorite parent.

Luis followed his little brother's actions and hugged the other side of my legs.

A little bit of context, our sons ruined their Gift Ceremony suits that Mirabel and I made for them to wear. They thought it was a good idea to try them on during their morning run, and now their suits are covered in dirt and holes.

Mirabel and I worked so hard to make those suits for them. The materials were all natural fibers that I scavenged in the forest, so you can tell how devasted I am to find out that all of my and Mira's hard work was a waste.

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