[Filler] 5k Reads Special! [Filler]

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Little Note:

We've successfully reached 5k Reads!

Warning, this chapter has 10k+ words.

I do not own the image, I got it from Pinterest.

Ready for the feels?


A groan escaped my lips when I try to sit up. Pain immediately spread across my entire body and I mentally cursed my cousin for pushing me in one of her stupid portals.

"Estúpida puta prima." I cursed out loud when another shot of pain spread across my body.

Observing my surroundings, I'm at the edge of a village and a forest. Looking closer at the village, I noticed that it's similar to my village but more vibrant and full of colors.

I grumbled under my breath and decided to go there instead. Knowing that my cousin pranked me again with her gift, I should be in another universe.

'Hopefully this universe doesn't have those huge ass naked titans.' I thought to myself and managed to enter the colorful village.

The people in this village would look at me in confusion but I ignored their looks. What? Haven't seen a human before?

"Camilo! Camilo!" I heard a child's voice from behind me.

I ignored their calls yet again and continue making my way around the village. Never mind, it's a town, my stupid ass is dumb at the moment.

Just how hard did she push me to be as dumb and stupid as her?

A small hand grasped my wrist and I turned around with a glare.  The owner of a hand is none other than a small child who has a coffee cup in his other hand. The kid and his friends flinched under my glare.

"What do you want?" I snapped at them, annoyed.

I just want to get out of this universe and be in the arms of my novia again.

"W-We just wanted to play with you Camilo..." The kid who grabbed me whimpered.

I rolled my eyes and pulled my hand back. "Then go bother someone else, brats," I growled at them and walk away. I stopped after a few steps and look at them, my eyes glowing red. "And my name isn't Camilo, it's Carlos."

Not even a few minutes, my hand is being grabbed again.

"Brats, didn't I told you to bother someone else—" I tried to speak but was cut off by a soft and gentle voice.


I stopped scowling when the person's voice entered my ears and into my brain.

'This voice sounds like her...' I thought to myself and looked at the owner who grabbed my hand. My eyes widened slightly when I realized who she is.


She cupped my cheeks with her soft hands and looked at me with concern and worry on her face.

"Are you alright, Mi Sol? What's with the new outfit?" She asked with that gentle voice of hers.

I snapped out of my daze and mentally groaned, realizing that my cousin sent me into an alternate universe of our universe. So I'm guessing that my alternate self is named Camilo. Good thing that my [Name] is the same as this universe's [Name].

Smiling gently at her, I wrap my arms around her and give her a tight and longing hug. The girl in my arms slowly hugged back in confusion.

"Is everything okay, Camilo?" She asked quietly from my chest.

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