25: Mi Luna

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Two-Year Time Skip...


"Mi Luna, please hear me out!"

"Listen to us!"

[Name] shook her head with tears in her eyes as she shift into her wolf form, running further away and into the woods. Camilo and Ella ran after her, trying their very best to tell her to stop and listen.

The 18 year-old clicked his tongue, shifted into his wolf form, and ran after his beloved, determined to clear any misunderstandings that comes into her head.

Ella panted and stopped in her tracks. She cursed out loud and stared in the direction her best friend and her lover went. Knowing that it was best to leave them alone, she turned around and head back towards Casita, where everyone was waiting for them to come back.

Slowing down, he perked his ears up. Listening intently for any sudden movements in the woods. Hearing nothing, he closed his eyes and point his nose high in the air. He thought that if he couldn't hear her, what if he can find her by her scent?

A few seconds later, he still couldn't smell her. He growled in frustration and ran in a random direction, determined to find his love— his mate.

He did this a few times. He ran in a random direction, listen, smell, and repeat. Anything to find his mate.

Finally stopping at the spot where they first met, he finally spots her in her human form curled up into a ball as she sobbed near the river.

Shifting into his hybrid form, he slowly walked up to her figure and sat beside her. He didn't make a move for he knows that [Name] is aware of his presence.

After a few minutes of sitting next to each other in silence, [Name] finally spoke.

"Why did you do it?" She whispered.

Camilo heard her and sighed. "We didn't mean to." He answered truthfully.

Overwhelmed with anger and sadness, she snapped her head to glare at Camilo as her eyes glow a dangerous yellow.

"But the both of you still did it!" She yelled angrily, tears streaming down her face.

She raised her hand to form a fist and attempted to hit him but Camilo could only stare blankly at her with half-lidded eyes as he grabbed her closed fist easily.

Sobbing more, she tried to hit him with her fists but it was no use. Camilo kept catching her hands with ease and it was annoying her.

The 18 year-old boy didn't say anything for he knows that his mate is currently pouring out her emotions by attempting to hit him. He secretly finds it cute.

Soon, her movements slowed down and her arms found themselves around his torso and back. She lets out small hiccups and sniffles as he lovingly embraced her. One hand behind her back, the other stroking her hair, and his tail wrapped around her waist, pulling her closer to his body.

"I'm sorry for eating the buns [Name], we were really hungry and there was no other snack that we could find at that time." Camilo reasoned quietly, wolf ears limp against his head.

[Name] whimpered and cuddled closer into her mate's warm body. "You could've made something for yourselves and not eaten four of the buns that I created in the oven." She whispered, pouting against his chest.

That's right, all of this started because Camilo and Ella ate [Name]'s 4 buns that were specially made for Camilo. She was glad that they found out about her buns but they ignored the big picture and ate them instead.

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