18: Letters And Negative Feelings

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Little Note:

I wrote this right after writing another chapter that has 10k words. I'll upload it after this when we get 5k reads ;)


"Mija, pack your stuff, we're going to Encanto!"

I let out a small groan before pulling away from my sleeping boyfriend's arms.

Why do my parents want to visit a place that no one has ever seen? Heck, it might not even exist.

"Why are we going there again, mama?" I asked her, sitting up from the couch. My boyfriend groaned and stretched his arms, almost smacking me in the face.

"You almost smacked me, Jackie-Chan."

"Es tut mir leid, mi amor." He apologized, mixing German and Spanish together as he kissed me on the cheek.

"Well, your father said that there's a possibility that his sister is there," She answered me, no minding the PDA that we're displaying right in front of her. "You know how it's been fifteen or so years that he's seen her."

I cross my arms and pout. "Not my fault that Abuelo drove her away."

"Amelia!" Mama yelled at me in shock.

Suddenly, Papa walked into the living room with a small smile on his face. "It's alright, mi vida. She is correct how it is papa's fault for driving her away whit someone she loves." He sighed and ruffled my hair.

"Papa!" I whined at my now messy hair. "You ruined Jackson's masterpiece!"

Papa gave me a 'really?' Look before shaking his head with a hearty laugh.

"Do you want to come with us, Jackson?" He asked my boyfriend.

"If you don't mind Señor Santiago."

[[Name]; 15 year-old]

I winced in slight pain when a brick fell on top of my head and bounced away.

"Oi!" Camilo yelled at the person responsible for the falling brick. "Be careful over there, you could have given someone a concussion!"

"Sorry Camilo!"

Camilo clicked his tongue in annoyance before looking all over my head for any injuries. "Are you alright, Mi Luna?" He asked worriedly.

I simply laughed and shrugged it off. "I'm fine, Mi Sol. I just felt a bonk!"

He looked at me with a blank look. "Mhmm, a hard brick gave you a bonk. A bonk that could give you a concussion!"

Giggling, I told him to help Mirabel while I go around to help anyone who needs an extra pair of hands.

It took awhile for Camilo to give in but when he did, I let out a small sigh of relief.

I love Camilo, I really do, but ever since our supposed double date, he's getting a bit protective over me.

I mean, I'm getting a bit protective over him too if I'm being honest. Ella has been all over my mate every chance she gets whenever he is alone. How do I know about this? Camilo told me so.

Don't even get me started on Dan, he is just the same as his sister. Getting close to me every chance he gets whenever I am alone.

Dan... he's a great friend but I don't see him that way. He deserves someone better than me since I already have someone special.

"Psst, [Name]!"

I snap out of my thoughts and look around to see Estrella hiding behind a bush. I tilt my head at her, confused on why she would hide herself in a bush instead of helping us rebuild our lovers' home.

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