06: Seven Nights With You

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[Camilo; 14 year-old]

I woke up at 4 am with a kick in my step.

'Time to help Tia with breakfast!'

Quickly showering in my bathroom, I grabbed my usual brown pants, a white long sleeved shirt, and my usual ruana.

I rush to the kitchen and brought out all the ingredients and materials needed. I also removed my ruana, fold it, and place it on the far side of the counter. I don't want to ruin my ruana for today.

I rolled up the sleeves of my long sleeved shirt and I turn the tap to wash my hands with soap and water.

"Well aren't you excited." I heard Tia Julieta chuckled in amusement from behind me.

I laughed nervously. I can't tell her that I'll be going on a date with [Name]. However, I have to bring Estrella along, don't want Abuela to be suspicious.

"Just excited for the rest of the familia to find out that I can do other things than pranking, shapeshifting, and babysitting." I honestly told her and finished washing my hands.

She shake her head with a smile. "Ay, sobrino. Being you is already enough for us."

I paused as soon as I heard her say that. 'Even Tia is aware... then why hasn't she done anything to comfort any of us?' I mentally asked, confused and hurt. 'No, Camilo, don't assume things. The adults must have a reason why they haven't done anything to comfort us, or maybe its because they are comforting us secretly? If that's the case, I only need my hermosa for comfort.'


I snapped back into reality and give Tia a small smile. "I'm fine Tia," I reassured her. "And... thanks."

"Anytime." She smiled at me before gesturing to the ingredients and materials on the counter.

"Now let's get working, breakfast can't start without two amazing chefs!"


I am now having breakfast with the rest of my family in the backyard. We decided to eat outside today since it's a nice day out. I should thank mami for that.

"I say Julieta, your cooking gets better every day!" Mi mami said happily, mi papi nodding after her.

"Tell us, what is your secret?" Papa asked her, stuffing his face more with arepas.

Now I know where I got my huge appetite from.

Tia giggled and nodded towards me. "Your son, Camilo, helped me cook breakfast."

The dining table got quiet. I looked up to see the adults looking at me in amazement and my hermana and primas looking at me as if I murdered someone.


"You can cook?" Mirabel asked me, fixing her glasses. I nodded my head at her. "Since when, mama?"

I turn my head to Tia and she scrunched her face to think for a few moments before smiling.

"The day after his thirteenth birthday," She told everyone. "I caught him in the kitchen around four in the morning and he asked me if I could teach him how to cook."

I can see Abuela wearing one of her proud smiles. "I see that you're learning for Estrella, nieto." She said.

I just stayed silent and nodded my head. I look up at Mirabel and slightly shake my head no to her. Motioning to her that I'm not doing this for Estrella.

I watch her let out a small sigh in relief and nodded to me, thankful.

Few months ago, mi prima was ignoring me. After a few days of her distancing herself from me, I had enough and entered the nursery uninvited.

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