16: We Don't Deserve You, [Name].

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The next day arrived and Camilo woke up to a pink blanket covering his naked body. The rest of his clothes are on the other end of the room.

He groaned in pain when he felt his head started to pound. He sit up and rub his temples in circular motions to try and lessen the pain.

'Urgh, my head hurts.. it feels like I've been struck by mami's lightning again... wait a minute—' He looked down and noticed that he was butt-naked with only a familiar pink scented blanket covering his regions. 'Since when did I—?!'

Suddenly, as if by magic, which didn't really happen by magic, Camilo remembered everything that happened during his rut phase.

'Mierda, mierda, mierda!' He cursed in his head and rushed to find some new clothes in the closet.

Now that Camilo has turned normal, let's check in with [Name]'s family, who are staying in the living room of the Guzman's household.

Fortunately for them, the Guzmans were kind enough to let them stay for tonight, but due to their two spare bedrooms being occupied by Camilo and his family, they have to stay in the living room.

Aaryn and Fenrir didn't mind sleeping in the living room. In fact, they were ecstatic to sleep on a couch. Of course, they have to take turns keeping an eye on [Name] because she suddenly got a terrible fever in the middle of the night.

As of the moment, the girl's mother is reapplying the towel on her forehead with new water. Her father is pacing around in circles, lifting his head up every now and then to check his daughter's condition.

Both parents are very worried for their daughter.


I wouldn't be surprised if they'll commit arson—

"Is she getting any better?" Fenrir asked, successfully cutting off the Narrator, not that he'll ever know of course.

Aaryn shook her head with a worried frown on her face, "This is her worst fever yet."

She gently hold her daughter's hand, her frown deepened when she noticed that [Name] started to breathe heavily and groan in discomfort.

Hearing his daughter's groan made him kneeled down next to his wife and wrap an arm around her shoulder to comfort both of them.

"Do you think it's the after effects of Camilo's rut?" He asked her.

She tilted her head cutely, one ear perked up while the other flopped onto her head.

"Maybe. Remember my first heat? When my heat ended, you were sick for days." She thought out loud and turned to Fenrir, who only stared at her with a blank expression and a very visible blush on his cheeks.


"I forgot how much you captivated me with your beauty when you were a human, I honestly miss your human form." He sighed and nuzzled his face into her soft light grey hair.

Aaryn smiled at her mate. "You mean hybrid," She corrected him. "I still have traits of my wolf form."

"Whether you're a wolf, human, or hybrid, you will always be the love of my life." He whispered into her fluffy ear and she giggled, slapping his chest.

"Our daughter is sick in front of us and yet you're here telling me that I'm the love of your life." She laughed, hiding her smile with the back of her hand.

Fenrir let out a dramatic gasped and stood up, pointing an accusing finger at her. "Excuse you, what I'm saying is only a fact, the both of you are the love of my life." He chuckled before sitting back down right next to her.

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