24: Wait wut? -[Name]

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Little Note:

Majority of you chose to stay sooo.


I don't know what to say anymore, I just feel sad— no, I'm not telling you guys why, lol.


[[Name]; 16 year-old]

"I like you, will you allow me to be in your life as your boyfriend?"

The world around me is silent.

All I can hear is the sound of my breaking heart as I watch my mate saying that he likes another girl.

"[Name], we should go, let's not waste our time on a cheater." Amelia growled and tugged on my arm away.


I stayed still.

Something about Ella's reaction made me want to stay and listen what she would reply to Camilo's confession.

"C-Can we stay?" I asked quietly, wiping my tears away. "I-I want to hear what Ella will say to Camilo."

The three looked at each other and sighed, nodding their heads and quiet down to watch the scene happen.

"I..." Ella tried speaking but was speechless.

Camilo looked hopeful, which made me quietly whimper in sadness.

"I... no." Ella frowned and give the flowers back to Camilo, glaring at him.

The rest of us are surprised but Camilo looked at her calmly.

"You don't want me to be your boyfriend?" Camilo asked, smiling.

'What the woof is going on?'

"No, I don't want you to be my boyfriend." Ella said firmly and poked his chest, hard. "You sir, have a girlfriend, a mate. Why are you doing this behind her back?"

'Yeah Camilo, why are you doing this behind my back?'

I hear Camilo sigh and asked her another question. "You don't have a crush on me anymore, right?"

Ella looked at him ridiculously. "Of course I don't have a crush on you anymore—" She stopped what she was saying and looked at him in shock. "H-How did you know?"

Camilo smiled and whistled at one of the trees. The person behind the trees came out smiling brightly.

"Estrella?" Ella asked, surprised.

"What is Estrella doing here?" I asked to the three people with me. They shrugged their shoulders in response.

By now, I stopped crying, my mind full of curiosity but the pain in my chest is still there.

"What are you doing here?" Ella asked my friend, who was walking up to them, smirking.

"Remember when I asked if you were Lithromantic on chapter eighteen—"


Author: CUT! *looks at Estrella, annoyed* That's not part of the script perra.

Estrella: Well somebody's gotta remind the readers about it! They legit forgot about what happened on chapter 18 and started attacking you!

Author: We do not talk about them attacking me in my dms—

Camilo: With death threats?

Author: Shush—

[Name]: Constant negative feedback even though you just updated one chapter that you worked so hard for?

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