This Is a New World We Arrived At

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I was staring at the vast river heading straight to the sea. The iconic bridge scene from Yu-Gi-Oh ARC-V. damn. Now I can see why the protagonist of this series goes here to calm down. The breeze is nice. It would be better if the sun is not too hot, though.

Eh. It was better than the alternate. At least I'm landing in Standard Dimension. The safest dimension out of Four Split Dimensions. Xyz is currently in middle of the war and destruction and they currently have justified case of xenophobia. Synchro's Political, Economic, and Cultural imbalance is so horrid it wasn't even funny. It's better than its 5Ds counterpart due lack of Zero Reverse but still suck ass. And please. Don't get me started on the Security and Facility. Fusion? No. Fuck no. Just... nope.

I know, I know I'm gonna heading there one day. Pretty soon. But holy hell. Let me adapting to my new reality. I was a normal person living in in a world where Yu-Gi-Oh is a fictional series and the card are normal card games with no mysticism or danger involved; and then I was thrown into world where Card Game is real, important, and can kill you or give you fate worse than death.

Avoiding it? Pipe dream. Rule no #1 of Transmigration. The one who transmigrate will have pivotal, if not outright central role from their arrival onwards. Sooner or later, an important character is bound to notice me. Better not wasting time deluding myself.


Well. It's nice while it's last.

Now I gotta move and ascertain how far in the series I am—


Something collides with me. The impact cause me to fell back and hit my head and back against the rail. I cringed at the sudden pain. Ow. Owowowowow.

"Eyes on the road, will you?!" I snarked the culprit. "You're lucky I'm not thrown off from the bridge!"

"S-sorry! So Sorry!"

I snorted before take a good luck on this human disaster. A boy several years my junior with bi-colored hair that resemble a tomato. Complete with ahoge.

My eye twitched.

Haou-sama. When I said an important character is going to notice me, I didn't mean for THE Main Character itself and one of four local Apocalypse Maiden to collide with me right off the bat! I was here for less than TEN MINUTES! Jeez!

"Yuya! I told you to not running off!" and, here we go. The pinky girl with power of nature sealed in her bracelet. Manifesting a paper fan out of nowhere and smack the boy in the head. "I am sorry for him!" behind her, three boys were running up on us. A chubby boy, a smart-looking boy, and the sole girl among Chibi Trio.

"So long he didn't do it again." I get up and dusted myself off. "Seriously, that speed and impact could've give someone concussion. Be it you or me." I checked my D-Pad and my phone. Pleased to see they were unharmed and still functional. Then my bag, still sealed shut and its content stay where they supposed to be. Good. I would be very pissed otherwise.

"Again, sorry, umm, miss...?"

"Briar. Floren Briar. Though since in Japan it's surname first... Briar Floren then."

"Miss Briar, I—"


Louder, asshole, the people at the other end of the city can't hear you!

I glared at the interrupting asshole. Oh. That angry-looking guy followed by three boys. Who was they again? Right. Sawatari and his stooges.

"Sawatari, what do you want now?" Tomato-head sighed tiredly. As if all his energy was sucked out of him by mere sight of ridiculous posse before us.

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