Dread of Defeat

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"We're back!"

"Welcome back, kids. How's the Duel?"

"I won!" Yuya cheered up.

That's right.If I wasn't mistaken, Yuya start raking up necessary victory. Today was his battle with Michio, wasn't it?

"Yuya-nii show some new monsters!" Tatsuya told me.

"Yeah! I never knew there were more Performapals! Where did they come from? Yuya-nii don't want to tell us!" Pouted Futoshi.

"I told you, I got it from friends."

"But you never told us who." Ayu grumbles.

"Even if I did, you won't believe me!"

New monsters, eh? I wonder who they are.

"Good for you, Sakaki-kun."

Instead thanking me, he peers at me curiously. "Are you alright?" He prodded. "You look, well, wilted." Is that pun because I use mostly plant-related cards?

"Nah... just lose my duel." And it has to be my 6th duel at that. Ah, bad luck, bad luck.

"You lose?!" The kids chorused. "How?"

"Apparently," I can feel my eye twitched, "my knowledge in Ritual Monsters is lacking. That, and bad hand."


"Excuse me." I greeted someone. "Ritual School? Duel appointment with Takasu Hiroki?"

I was really grateful for my co-worker for recommending a name. Having relations at workplace truly would benefited you in the long run.

The student looks at me before turned to a direction and called out, "OI HIROKI! YOUR OPPONENT IS HERE!"

My opponent, a goth punk dressed boy taller than me poked his head out from a room. "You don't have to shout that loud!" He grumbles. "Briar Floren?"


"Ah, thank you. This way, please."

I was led to their VR Duel Room. The Action Field that was chosen for this duel reminiscence me of the wild west.

"Before we start, you do know how Ritual monster works, right?" He asked me.

"Of course, I am." I replied. "Why you ask?"

"Let's say, we have one too many dumbasses for challengers for the last two months."

Gee. Looks like some idiot forgot to read rulebook of Ritual Summon. Well, compares to other special summoning, Ritual Summon method is more... exotic and rare, and there aren't many archetypes that focused on Ritual Summoning. I only knew few, from my old world. Cyber Angel, Herald, The World's End, Megalith, and Black Luster Soldier.

"Don't worry. I don't kick up too much fuss. Just ignore the sarcasm that comes out from my mouth. They mostly aimed at myself."

"Very well then. Let's start this duel!"

We recited the chant, and the duel begins.


Floren LP: 4000

Takasu LP: 4000

"Challenger may have the first turn."

Damn. Let's see. Oh damn me twice. Bad hand. Two copies of Aroma Garden, White Rose Cloisters, Humid Winds, Rose Bell of Revelation.

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