Launch the Counterattack!

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You know?

I always wonder why there's a need to create Duel School, aside from being plot convenience and location where Duel Shenanigans could happens without normal people being the wiser.

As it stood, the materials are so easy to understand. It basically boils down to Special Summon and Pay Attention to Card Effect.

It was so boring, and I have some learning problem where if I get bored enough, my mind won't focus on lesson. Even if it important later on. Point: I was more focused on how Sora tried to mix sweets together.

"Do explain to me how did you still have teeth?" I asked him. "That amount of sugar should murder your teeth." And give him diabetes. I mean, I have sweet tooth, give me a can of cookies and I will empty it within two days. Or less. But the amount Sora consumes on daily basis is enough to make me a little nauseated.

"I brush my teeth diligently! That's why they are strong!" I feel like there's should be more to this. "Do you want some?"

You know what? Why not? I'm wearing dark-colored clothes today, so they're not as easily dirtied as light-colored clothes. Also, it's free.

(Floren's outfit for the day)

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(Floren's outfit for the day)


We looked up from the plate and see Principal look unamused.

I swallow the sweets, before spoke "innocently", "Does Principal want a bite?"

"No!" Okay, sheesh calm down. "You two don't pay attention in the class! That's not good attitude!"

Well, why don't you scold your daughter, who's zones out as well?

"I'm apologizing for having short attention span." I apologize, with a dry tone. "But in my defense, we are talking about Tribute Summoning, something everyone including Novice know how to perform."

"Oh? Then explains to the class."

I resist the urge to roll my eyes and stood. Wiping some stain in the corner of my mouth before start explaining,

"Tribute summoning is a method to summon level 5 or higher monster to the field by tributing monster on the field. The amount of monster tributes is depending on the level. Level 5 and six requires only one monster. Level 7 and higher requires two monsters, though there are cases where some level 8 or higher requires three tributes instead. The monsters with three tributes required usually are level 10." Like Egyptian Gods. "There are, however, ways to bypass this rule. For example, using Double Tributers or a monster that can act as two tributes. They, however, only work to specific Archetype, Type, or Attribute. For example, I have Rose Witch." I draw her from my deck. "She can act as two tributes to Plant Monster, and Plant monster only. So, If I want to summon another plant monster of level 7, for example, I can only use Rose Witch as sole tribute. But if I want to summon another type of monster, say, Warrior, I requires another monster on the field."

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