Echoed Determination

847 26 12

"Aw, look, sister. Guess who did we find?"

"Hmm mmm. Indeed. Isn't this an Xyz scum and, oh my, looks like someone back home is due remedial class."

Ruri and Yuto tensed when they saw a pair of identical girls—twins—stood in their path.

"Ruri! They're having personalized deck!" Yuto whispered.

Ruri nodded. She did not know how exactly Yuto know that, but maybe he was told by their ex-Academia ally. Or he makes lucky guess. These twins... they wore personalized uniform. Not standard one that make them looks like faceless grunts.

Must be high ranked enough to gain that privilege.

"Well then?" The blonde haired one smirked. "Shall we show them how does one hunt, Grace?"

"Of course, Gloria dear."


"Spy." Growled Rin, vision red in anger. "You've betraying us! How long have you been planned this!"

Midget smiles, as if he done nothing wrong. "Since the beginning." Fuck, Rin thought. How many vital information did he know then?! "You being here mess everything. I had to schedule early raid just for you. Who snuck you out?"

Rin scowled. "As if I talks!"

"Oh, that is fine. Once I beat you, you'll sing."

"Don't count your chicken before they hatch, midget!"


" "DUEL!" "


Yuto & Ruri LP: 4000

Gloria & Grace LP: 4000

"I take the first turn." Declared Yuto. "I set four cards and end my turn."

"My turn then." Smirked the blonde twin—Gloria, maybe? "I activate Continuous Spell Card: Quiet Life. Now, neither of us can special summon the same turn normal summon is conducted, and vice versa. I activate Polymerization and Fusion Summon using Amazoness Queen and Amazoness Swords Woman! Queen of the jungle. Receive the power of the valiant swordswoman. Build an empire that rules over everything! Fusion Summon! Appear now! Level 8! Amazoness Empress!"

Amazoness Empress | Level 8 | Earth

Warrior / Fusion / Effect

ATK 2800 / DEF 2400

"I Activate Trap Card: Phantom Knight's Fog Blade, by targeting your monster! It now has its effect negated and cannot attack!"

"Oh! Interesting. Try to stop the Queen, will you?" Gloria looks amused. "But I'm not out of wits! When all monster I control are Amazoness monster, I can special summon Amazoness War Chief!"

Amazoness War Chief | Level 5 | Earth

Warrior / Effect

ATK 1900 / DEF 0

"When Amazoness War Chief is summoned, I can set a spell, Trap, or Polymerization straight from my deck."

Ah crap!

"I activate my second Polymerization and fusion My Amazoness Empress with Amazoness Sage! Dauntless Empress, with the revelation of the Wise Advisor, be the mighty ruler! Fusion Summon! Level 10! Amazoness Augusta!"

Amazoness Augusta | Level 10 | Earth

Warrior / Fusion / Effect

ATK 3200 / DEF 2800

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