Turbo Duel - Tag Team! Demon of the Frozen Sea

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"Oh, those look good on you!"

I smiled and twirled around. Huh. For old clothes, it does suit me still.

The Director ("Call me Rua, please! I'm not that fond of formalities!") does have a plan to help us. And that is using the tops' tendency to turn any interesting things into entertainment. Namely, turbo dueling.

The plan is simple.

Us three, Floren-nee, Kurosaki, and I, will Turbo Dueling against Rua-san, Mr. "I'm not Fusion!", and a third person who is still unknown to us. This will attract attention, which if we hamming it big enough, will make into news. Live news.

That way, we put giant neon sign above our heads. Thus, instead us going out to searching for others, which was risky not to mention waste of time and high probability we crossed path with each other and not realizing it, we will make them going to us.

Simple to understand, easy to do, and failure-proof.

"My sister work as member of the City Council. Assuming we don't do much damage, she can grant us some leniency, which would keep us hopefully out of the Facility."

Floren-nee and I are in same wavelength when we look at Kurosaki when Rua-san mentions damage.

Mister Collateral Damage over here.

Not that I can talk, what with what I did to Heartland, but that was different matters.


It was not my fault Academia want Xyz dimension as its first interdimensional target.

Kurosaki, predictably, sulked out on it. At least he has the mind to do it in his assigned room instead bothering others by being his usual emo self.

He doesn't even attend the impromptu driving class. Can he even drive a bike?


I'm not taking any responsibility if he crashes and injures himself. It would be his own fault and I will lord it above his head, forever.

And honestly, he missed out a lot.

Yugo is different from Yuya, much less Yuri. Yeah, he's cheery like Yuya, but kinda naïve in dorky way it's adorable. Reminds me of Yuya before he matures up—which was kind of my fault.

Rua is dorky. You would expect a director of Orphanage would be more mature. Nope. He is antithesis of instructors back at Academia. Closer to Syuzo-san, but actually know what to do instead just winging it.

Why adults in other dimension can be relied upon, in matter of taking care of other's wellbeing and safety, whereas in Academia you get screamed at and punished for slightest failures? I don't get it. Same purpose, same role, different behavior.

Perhaps, it was dimension things? Culture clash?

"Alright." Rua-san checked his watch. "It's time."

Today is the day we enact our plan. That's why Rua-san lends me his old clothes. Casual, they may looks like, but they are designed as Riding Outfit.

I'm not the only one who borrow stuff. Kurosaki borrow Rua's friend's clothes, black with red lines beneath blue riding outfit, and Floren-nee borrow a female Duelist's outfit. A bit too form fitting, in her opinion, which why she wore her "Lucky Coat" over it.

Regarding the D-Wheel, there's a garage filled with unused D-Wheel, which was used to rent out for anyone who want to test their luck with D-Wheel License Exam.

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