Interlude: Omen

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Jack grip the handle tightly.

"I believe you owe me an explanation."

"So do I."


"May I request a place where no one could listens"

"This way."

"Thank You."

"Now... Where's Yusei? Where is he? He should be around! This shit is the kind he usually knee deep in!"

He refuses.

"...To put it simply, both of you are in whole different era, if not outright whole different world. You should notice it. There are many foreign faces... and few familiar ones... that sadly, Fudo Yusei is not among them."



"If he's here, shouldn't you already know?"


Jack refuses to believe there's a world without Yusei.

He refuses.

He refuses

Phoenix Whirlwind (Yusei's very first bike) almost crashed against the railing if not for Jack hit the bracket and stop it in time. Breath coming out in puff as he gazed ahead.

The night view of the city before him should be beautiful. With all those colorful lights that shine like there's a festival going on.

But to Jack, it's all gray and cold.

(He had spent his entire life chasing after Yusei. Honing himself so he can walk next to him with head held high with pride, of having reach same place as him.

If Yusei is gone

If he's no longer exist


...what should he do?

What all his training was for?)

"...I know I'll find you here."

Jack turned aside.


Crow is a familiar face. Seeing him make something in Jack's chest loosen up.

(At least he is not alone in this familiar and unfamiliar world. A mockery of his precious city)

"...I tried to find Yusei."

Jack closed his eyes as he walks to a bench and plopped himself.

"You can't find him."

Crow shook his head mournfully.

"I suppose you did the same."

"...isn't that obvious?"

The two of them swallowed in silence. Staring at the city.

It was different than one they know.

It was not the one that was nearly destroyed by the Dark Signers, by the Meklords. He doesn't recognize his city. Neo Domino City is not built as glittering palace but having underbelly of poverty. Neo Domino City is not supposed to be split in half between the wealthy and the poor with severe imbalance between two groups.

This is not Neo Domino City.

At least, not the Neo Domino City they know and acknowledge.

This is not the city they fought so hard against supernatural threats. This is not the city they gladly lay down their life to protects.

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