Unwanted Self-Introspection

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"Man! That was crazy!" I exclaimed when we were back and taking bath.

Communal bath is not a new thing. Academia has communal bath since making students and soldiers waiting their turn to bathing takes long time and impractical. But it was such a tense situation with each of us only care for ourselves! No one making chat, or being friendly. If anyone try being nice, watch out for your stuff. They probably try to bully you by stealing your stuff. Clothes is frequent target.

What's more embarrassing than forced to streak half naked to your dorm?

Thought the one here is considerably smaller.

Well, if Standard taught me anything, tax is pain to pay. Bigger the plot of land, the more expensive the tax is. Not to mention you gotta pay for water! So yeah. Can't afford big bathroom.

"I know what you're talking about!" Yugo nodded in agreement. "This is first time I see Director duels; you know? And he dropped bomb on us! I mean, his monster's effect is pretty crazy. Attack and defense position has different effect! First time I know this! Then there's his Dragon!"

"Right?!" I replied. "Returning lifepoints to 4000! What the hell with that effect?! If your lifepoints is higher, you just slashed your own, but if your lifepoints is lower, critical 100 even, it basically life saver!" Seriously, what the hell with that effect! First time I see such a thing! Normally it gains attack, decrease opponent attack, change position, destroy, negate effect, or special summon! If gain attack it usually doesn't reach more than 1000! But it was frigging turn LP to 4000!

"Floren-nee is also crazily strong." He added. "Her Black Rose is bad enough nuke, then she shows Ruddy Rose that was Nuke and Graveyard Banisher! Granted her own side got hit too, but I guess it kinda balancing, otherwise it would be broken."

Tell me about it! She has such powerhouse and just show it just now!

Granted, I got where she came from.

I was loyal to Academia back then. And Reiji has his eyes on her. She must be laying low until she felt she can go wild as she pleased.

Makes me wonder if she knows about the war, and deliberately going there to mess up with the plan. She knows too much for her own good, and her past is mystery. She answers without truly clarifying anything, almost like me deflecting questions about my origin. And she seems to know whenever I start "acting out of script".

Won't surprise me if she ended up being agent of unknown third party in this war. She does pretty good job messing up with The Professor's Plan.

"...I'm so nagging her later..." I sighed. "She hides so many things from me..."

"She probably gonna pull Secret card. Trust me, she gonna do. And if you pressed, she gonna get angry. Girls are weird that way."

For real?! That's so weird! But, "I don't think Floren-nee is type who get angry at silly stuff like that."

She's the type who just leave instead arguing.

"Still, I am going to try. The effort is what counts, right?"

"Yep. Even if you fail, at least you did try." Yugo nodded. "Speaking, our duels are nerve wracking too." He turned to Kurosaki. "Can't believe you manage to find my way to bypass Dragon's Bind!"

That Xyz bastard just scoffed. "That simple-minded thinking is going to get you in trouble." OI! He praises you and that's your reply?! At least preen like overgrown bird you are! "And what the hell with your reliance to luck?! You might get lucky today, but you won't be as lucky next time! All it take was one bad chance!"

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