Friendship Cup Day 10 Part 1: Revenge Before Reason

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Filling in shoes of a Signer is not easy, and yet here I am. Borrowing Akiza's strength and go this far.

I kinda doubt I can go all the way to finals. Yugo won't fall into same trick twice, now that he know what my monsters are capable of. Crow is tough opponent... and I has suspicions that he is the Crow of Akiza's era. Which mean, another Signer as well. Lucciano is Aporia and anti-Synchro is tricky to get around... but if Yuya won his duel, and I has good hunch he will won that one, it would be even more troublesome.

Because Yuya use Odd Eyes Archetype only in this round...and in the next round, he use the combination. There's no way I can predict what he will take out from that Mystery Box of his. Aside from Odd Eyes and his trusty Magician pairs.


That's problem for Tomorrow Me.

Today Me have to win.

After all

There's no way I'd let an Earthbound Immortal running havoc.

Since neither Crow nor Jack can do it just yet, no thanks to you bureaucracy, it fells onto me.

I definitely will pick up the slack.

And pissing Roget in the process.

"It's time."

I looked up at the clock in the wall.

Yes, it is.

I quickly fasten up the zipper of my Turbo Duel and put on Akiza's coat over it before riding the motorcycle.

How did the Signer Dragons preserve Bloody Kiss, among other things, was beyond my understanding. But well, it was not something I should be concerned with.

I'll just do my job.

"And our next duel for Third Round! This lady is pretty for eyes, but beware of her thorns because she's not going to hesitate to stab you! Floren Briar!"

"...and her opponent! The duelist who's known to crush any and all opposition without mercy! Sergey Volknov!"

"Heh heh heh." Sergey chuckles. "Lamb to slaughter. I'm going to enjoy breaking you."

I'm glared at him. Disgust and hatred rolled in one. It burns so hot it goes back to chilling cold.

He is going down today. One way or another.

"Ready? Set! Turbo Duel – Accelerate!"

"Take the first turn!"

I prefer second turn since I can make plan around the cards on field and at hand, but since you insisted... alright, alright.

I use the momentum in that turn to take the first turn.

"I take the first turn." I look at the cards. Huh. Interesting lineup I've been given. Thank you, Black Rose.

"Thank me nothing! Just focus on beating this Failure Cyborg and obliterate his Devil Lord!"

Don't tell me twice.

"I summon Evil Thorn!"

Evil Thorn | Level 1 | Dark

Plant / Effect

ATK 100 / DEF 300

"I activate its effect to tribute itself and deals 300 damage, as well summon two copies of Evil Thorns from my deck but with their effect negates."

Since you like thorn, have as much as you like!

Sergey LP: 4000 --> 3700

"I activate Fallen Angel of Rose effect to special summon herself by returning an Evil Thorn to my hand, but Fallen Angel will be banished instead if she is destroyed."

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