Heartbreak (II)

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The camp had relocated deeper into the forest.

On the way, we meet with refuges and resistance.

It relieved me that we are not completely wiped out.

But... is it just me or did there are fewer of us?

I hope it was just me.



The redhead skip past several staircases. "You... you are Shun, right? It was really you, right?!" He asks. "Did you..." He look at behind me. "Ruri! You come back!"

"I-I'm sorry." Yuzu flinches. "I am Yuzu, nor Ruri."


I sighed.

"She's not Ruri." I confirm it with heavy heart. How it would be much easier if she is. "I would know my sister."

Let's forget that one incident where I mistook her as Ruri.

"But... you have same face as her!"

"So I've been repeatedly told." Yuzu smiled apologetically. "Sorry."

"Allen." Kaito called out. Sharp and unforgiving. "Call everyone. We have a meeting." His eyes briefly glanced at me.

"You happened"

What happened to him? What did I do?

"I-I see." Allen patted me on the hand before running alon.

"Follow me."

We were led to, what I assume, the most spacious room.

Several resistance members entered the room.

It was... really much fewer than I remembered... and much more in form of there are new members to our cause...

Sayaka enters the room and was about to open her mouth and shout something, my name most probably, or Ruri's, but then Kaito start to speak,

"So, Kurosaki finally join us after going sabbatical." He drawled. "What made you come back?"


"What are you talking about, Kaito?" I ask. "Why are you asking as if I am abandoning all of you?!"


The hell is his problem?!

"Kaito. Speak clearly. I don't get what you are trying to say!"

What the hell is happened when Yuto and I were away?!

Kaito narrowed his eyes. "Haven't I told you? How about this. Tell me, what the deal with this Yuzu person? Why she has Ruri's face? Where have you been? And where is Yuto because you two are as thick as thieves!"

"If I know where Yuto is," I shot back. "I would've go and found him already! As it stands, we are separated when that damned wormhole sucks us in!"

Hostile aura practically emanates from Kaito. "Are you asking us to try and scour the city to find Yuto?!" He screamed out. "How shameless can you be!"

What... the...?

"Kaito." Sayaka tugged his sleeve. "Please... please calm down. Shun doesn't know anything."

"Lucky him."

Guess I should ask someone else.

Pulling out the answer from Kaito start to feels like making Fusion user stop using Fusion Summon.

Not happening anytime soon.

"Then? What about the deal with Ruri-lookalike?"

I take deep breath and began explains.

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