Withered Rose Part 1

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I don't understand why I have to watch these plebs. Bunch of foot soldiers with no real talent. Only useful as fodders to weaken enemies and intimidate due to sheer size.

Except it doesn't always work.

"Good. I'm sick of seeing Ancient Gear monsters. They bore me to death."

Honestly, I don't blame her. Ninety-nine percent of those fodders are lacking in the braincell department. Suuure, the Honor deck Professor issued is awesome and useful, but facing that one too many times and you start recognizing the pattern. I mean, the same strategy over and over with no twist? Booooriiiinggg! That's why they are inferior to my plants.

Professor changed the Honor Deck lately. To a trickier one.

Maybe he wants me to gauge their skill and see which one has the potential?

Assuming the smarter ones haven't been snatched up. Phoenix and Manjoume tend to snatch the talented ones, rare times they do pop up, right off the bat.

Even if Shiunin turns out to be a traitor, he's at least managed to be impressive.

Which means I'm stuck watching the boring, repetitive battles.

How do I pull Phoenix's trick on sleeping (while standing) at the drop of a hat and wake up just as easily...?



Huh. Round number what is now?

"I summon Dinomorphia Therizia and set a Dinomorphia Trap Card straight from the deck! I set four cards and end my turn!"

Gee... using boring Honor Deck again? Truly, WHY out of twenty or so, only ONE has a unique deck?!

"My turn. Draw. I set a monster. I set three cards. I end my turn."

This is going to be a boring assignment. *Sigh*

"Ha! This is going to be easy! My turn. Draw! I activate Trap Card Dinomorphia Domain and Fusion summon using material from my deck!"

"Trap Card: Macro Cosmos. All cards are banished instead send to the graveyard. I then summon Helios – the Primordial Sun from the deck with 100 attack and defense points times the number of banished cards."

"Counter Trap: Dinomorphia Sonic! I negate that card activation!"

Fodder 1 LP: 2000 --> 1000

"Countering: Secret Blast."

"Counter Trap!" Fodder One sounds desperate. "Dinomorphia Brute! I destroy my monster and that card!"

Fodder 1 LP: 1000 à 500

"Meet Solemn Judgement."

"Say hi to Solemn Judgement."

Not-so-Fodder LP: 4000 --> 2000


Fodder 1 LP: 500 --> 0

Okay. That one is interesting. That was fast and the not-so-fodder doesn't even reveal her monster.

First real interesting duelist since... what? Two hours ago?

Hm! Ok! I've decided I'll do a more hands-on approach!

"Hey, you!" I called to that hopefully-interesting-fodder. "Duel me."

She stiffened. Like a statue.


"Yup. C'mon. Duel me." I grinned. "Professor made me observe this class and you haven't shown much skill except with your traps. I can't give proper grades if you don't show me what you're made of."

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