Swing, Pendulum of Melodies!

2.6K 55 16

...if I have fear of the height, I would have freaked out.

This Action Field, Infinite Bridge, is literally countless connected bridges above the abyss.

"Your eyes still have no luster. Just like that time."

"I... I am not!" I shouted.

That time, I was distracted by the uncanny similarities between Yuya and his lookalike, that I was not really focus on my duel against Masumi. This time, I was distracted as well. About the mystery of Kurosaki and circumstances of Sora's hometown. Of Yuya's new monsters that I have never seen before, particularly that one who could pass as Yuya's elder brother if not for the outfit and the wings.

But I can't do it anymore. Can't be distracted in middle of Duel.

Yuya had grown. I am happy for that, but I felt like there's a distance between us. The boy whom I used to look out for, now had grown up into fine, confident young man. When we parted ways yesterday, I look back, and somehow found his back not just had become broader, but also farther.

He had reached the height that was above me. He will continue climbing.

If I stay rooted on the spot while Yuya keep evolving, I would be left behind.

I can't let that happen. I won't be left behind!

That's why... I can't hesitate now! I won't let my confusion weighed me down and cost me this duel. If I lose, then I would never able to reach Yuya.

I. Will. Win!

"Hoo. Looks like you are not completely hopeless case." Masumi cocked her head. "Let's see how far your resolution can take you."

We chanted the Duel Chant, and begin our duel.

Masumi LP: 4000

Yuzu LP: 4000

"I shall go first! I activate Spell Card Gem-Knight Fusion! Gem tinged with Lighting! Deep Ocean of Wisdom! In a whirlpool of light combine to bring forth a new dazzling radiance! Fusion Summon! Appear! The one who pursues victory, Gem-Knight Topaz!"

"I shall go first! I activate Spell Card Gem-Knight Fusion! Gem tinged with Lighting! Deep Ocean of Wisdom! In a whirlpool of light combine to bring forth a new dazzling radiance! Fusion Summon! Appear! The one who pursues victory, Gem-Knight Topaz!"

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Gem-Knight Topaz | Level 6 | Earth

Thunder / Fusion / Effect

ATK 1800 / DEF 1800

It comes. Just like before, Masumi Fusion summon on her first turn.

"I set one card. I end my turn."

She only has one card in her hand. She is... confident.

I have to be that confident too.

"My turn. Draw!" I remember Briar-nee's words. First and second turn have their own advantage. First-turn duelist can set up their field in preparation for the enemy plan, but second turn can make their attack first, in addition of able to draw cards. "Since you control monsters and I don't, I can special summon Solo the Melodious Songstress. Then, I activate my Polymerization Spell Card and fusion Summon! Resonating melodious Song! Angel's Song! With guidance of the baton, gather your power! Fusion Summon! Now come here to the stage! Schuberta the Melodious Maestra!"

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