Freedom Come with Price

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"I wonder if your power come with laser vision. That would solve the problem, really."

"And adding more problems, as well raising uncomfortable questions."


If I have that kind of superpower, Jailbreak would be easier.

Or harder.

Doesn't matter now.

We now are herded to courtroom, which—was law in this world is reversed? You put people into trial first, then when the verdict is guilty, throw them into jail! Not go to jail first before given trial!

"Aristocratic of this world." Celestial Magician picked his nail. "Better get used to this since we're stuck for quite a time."

Fucking Great.

"Since everyone has gathered, shall we start?" Councilman #1 declared. "Director Roget, you seemed to be pretty upset about not being bale to handle them. Why is that, if we may know?"

"Executive Council," his voice reminds me of evil kitsune. The one that lures unsuspecting human, toying with them, before eating their heart. What was it called? Daji? "These people have incited the commons and plan to cause disturb the peace of the city! It's pretty much obvious from testimonies of their comrades."

One, they sell us out and make outlandish story so they get lesser sentence. Two, even if they speak the truth, you might as well embellish it to make us bad and yourself the Good Guy.

Osiris give me patience. If his finger was any close to my face, I'm going to bite it off.

"Please don't Master Yuya. You don't know what he had been touching."

You're right, Odd Eyes, but I would risk diarrhea if it would piss him off.

"Stop messing around! We didn't know any plan! We escaped by chance! For that matter, we were locked up for no reason at all."

Yeah, Sawatari, for no reason... except for the evulz.

"Resisting Security... That alone is indisputable crime, do you know?"

"Not if the security was shitty in the first place." I countered. "I mean, we were five minutes arrived in the city and were surrounded and about to get arrested! What kind of welcome is that? If that's how you greeted any outsider, it was no wonder tourism of this city if deader than dead!"

Crow snorted. "And here I thought only Commons get that fucking treatment."


"Apologize, Head of Security, but I, for one, likes to hear what they have to say." Councilman #2 spoke. "You're been silencing the commons for so long, so humor this lady and let her hear what her citizens had to say."

That woman is young compares to the rest of council. Quite pretty with long green hair and...

Wait a minute.

Is that... an armored lion and an armored on her side?

"Those are Spirits." Just like you? "Just like us." Affirmed Stargazer. "Which means..."

"She's just like you." Finished Timegazer.

Her eyes briefly zeroed at me and I stiffened.

She definitely just like me.

"Councilman Ruka, I don't—"

"...have a choice. I recall greatly, how you always told me, how people have their role, which indicated by their status position. As my position of City Council, I outranks you, therefore, you will listens to me. This is an order, understood?" her smile turned sweet. Deadly sweet. "Or perhaps you view yourself above the law, or decide such rules doesn't apply to you? Is that the case?"

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