The Wild Hunt / Zerg Rush Part 2

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"You two..."

I want to bang my head against that pillar over there. I really want to.

Kurosaki found us. And he certainly geared up to duel.

Just right after Yuzu and I finally manage to shake off those Ryozanpaku Students Duo off our tail!

Osiris almighty, my luck. Why?! Why I got all the crazies?! What did I do to deserve it?!

"There, there." Yuzu patted my back. I appreciate the gesture, Yuzu. I totally appreciate it. Seriously, I am glad we decided to stick together, otherwise my blood pressure won't take it.

"Do you want me to...?"

I glanced at Kurosaki, who look hesitant as his eyes flickered between Yuzu and I. More at Yuzu. I shake my head,

"I'll duel." I replied. "But, stick close to me, yeah?"

Those Crazies from Fusion Dimension is slotted to arrive soon. I don't know where did Floren-nee got the info, but I trust her, and I don't dare to let Yuzu stray away from me. I'll protect her.

Even if it means handicapping myself to not searching for Action Duel.

Ah well. In case I go to other dimensions, who doesn't know what Action Duel is, thus no Action Field, this might as well be training.

"Kurosaki," I called out, "I'll be your opponent." I know you won't like to involve Yuzu.

"Hmph." He harumphed.

Kurosaki LP: 4000

Yuya LP: 4000

"I'll take the first turn. I summon Raidraptor – Vanishing Lainus."

Raidraptor – Vanishing Lainus | Level 4 | Dark

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Raidraptor – Vanishing Lainus | Level 4 | Dark

Winged-Beast / Effect

ATK 1300 / DEF 1600

"Vanishing Lainus' effect! I Special Summon Raidraptor – Rudder Strix."


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