Stray Thoughts

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You won't believe how much someone's arrival could made things better. Seriously, when Yuzu's copy and Kurosaki's sister returns, everyone was overjoyed. She was, like, proof that things will be better.

Either that or she just has good timings.

I just glad I have news of how Yuya's doing. I was worried about him a lot. Being mistaken for Yuri won't do him any good, considering Yuri's stellar reputation. Not even counting the fact he is part of Lancers and would likely gonna be carded. The hiding-as-mook tactic would buy him time until I can come and save him.

Floren? Yeah, I pity her. Being object of Yuri's interest is going to be suck, but she looks like doesn't mind it too much so she probably can handle it. Two times she handle Yuri and she never come out worse for wear. So, not much worry on her. She's resourceful and ballsy, she can handle herself just fine.

Back to matters at hand, though,

Ruri had come back. But I doubt Commander doesn't know about it. I swear he must be omniscient or something because he always knew things and steps ahead everyone. The possibility of him not knowing one of his soldiers was swapped was next to nil.

He must be letting Ruri escape. There's no other reason. He must be letting Ruri escape because he has a plan involving her.

Which mean we are running out of time.

I told this to Kaito (because unlike Shun or Yuto, he is not going to tear my head off for 'slanders') who nod with grim expression. Being main 'toy' for Commander means he has insight how Commander's mind works, so he can see where I come from.

He agrees that rather than let Academia discover the base and launch full frontal assault, again, the resistance should be the one who strike first.

Good to know Ruri knows where the base is located. And I'm mostly done with tech stuff. The reverse-engineer carding system still halfway there, but that can wait a little. In meantime, gotta get ready when he call for final strike.

I wonder if Yuzu is done with my request...

"...sometimes, I really despair how oblivious he can be."

"Oh, I get you. I totally get you."

Ah there she is. Talking with her doppleganger.

Huh. I don't remember she ever do this to Serena... though I don't remember when they have time to sit down and chat like, you know, teenagers. In fact, the only time they are in close proximity was during friendship cup... with sword of Damocles hanging above our head with implication of what would happen if we lose, and the Commons' rebellion building up.

The fact Serena really doesn't have life outside of dueling doesn't help.

(Why did no one take her as pupil?! Is there really no one thoughts of currying favor to Professor by taking Serena as personal student?!?!?!)

"What were you thinking of?" Wha—oh. It's just Kurosaki. "You better not planning something to my sister."

I rolled my eyes. Goodness grief.

"And you better stopping being quick at throwing accusation." Here I thought I was free from this nonsense. "Seriously beanstalk, maybe you should tone your protectiveness a bit? Or at least not being too vocal about it? If I don't know better, I'd say you're sis-con." I pause. "Or are you?"

His eyes narrowed. "What did you call me?"


"Before that."

What? He's not even going to deny it? His brain must be wired differently. "Beanstalk." I repeat. "Because you're tall and thin. Like wires."

"Maybe you just got short gene, midget." He shot back. "What? Got neck pain for need to constantly looking up?"

I glared at him.

"How do you want payback served as? Kneecap privilege removed or freezing showers or something?" Maybe I can slip some spicy hot sauce on his drink? No. Too obvious. Switching sugar with salt, then. Or programmed his duel disk to play that annoying song stuck in loop at random times.

I want to do more, but going overboard would only get others on my case. Particularly Kaito.

Unlike Commander, I am not keen on picking fight with feral dragon.

Screeching birdie over here, though, is another story.

His smile is sharp and more of sneer. "Maybe you should try if you can sleep with one eye open."

Oh you're so on--!


"Play nice, both of you." Yuto scold us, after hitting us with a clipboard. "We don't need bloodbath or civil war."

He is exaggerating. Some minor harmless prank won't be enough to cause that level of havoc. At most, scolding and punishment, with others would laugh at it, at us, because they could use some cheer up.

"Yuto!" Ruri cheerfully called up as she run to him and give a peck on the cheek. "Oh. Finishing with the logistic?" She peers at the papers on the clipboard. "Our supply seems to run low... are we going to do Raid soon?"

"Yes." Yuto nodded. "With transportation, and more importantly, export import are blocked off for a reason still unresolved, the supplies have been stretched thin. Speak of Supply... how often Academia base got theirs restocked?"

"Once a week, at most." Ruri replied. "The... batch of Soldiers I came, also come with supplies."

"Then it should be aplenty."

"But it was stored in HQ. A bowl-cut man ranted how their storages had been deemed unsafe."

"Which means we have to storm HQ if we want to get the provisions." I interject. "Which means most of the power. Include Commander. If we're doing it, might as well make it full frontal assault to their base."

That's what Kaito planned.

"An All-or-Nothing assault." Kurosaki hummed. "Guess it's time to finally end this battle once and for all. The faster they're done, the sooner we can fully reclaim Heartland. Then we can finally move to the Fusion Dimension."


Beat Commander then beat Professor.


Why for some reason I feels like beating Professor would be anticlimactic? Maybe because at that point we would overpower them? Admittedly, there's Yuri... but throw him at Floren and he's no problem. Kaiser, too. And some other more senior members. There's also the Professor...



I shook my head.

"I just remember something." I spoke. "I... don't recall if Professor ever dueling."


Why is he made Professor and highest chain command if he never duels?

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