Road to Academia

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"Is it just me, or are we walking in circles?!"

Useless loudly complained while pointing at the bush. What? Does he think it was the same one he landed on half an hour ago?

"Are you sure we're heading in the right direction?!" Big Guy asked.

I scowled and crossed my arm. "Why are you guys looking at me?!" What am I? Road Pointer?

"Uh, you're Fusion native?" Loudmouth pointed out.

I want to strangle him.

Yeah yeah, rub it on my face! I mean, whose bright idea it was to make me your guide?! I don't fucking agree with it! Just because I come from this forsaken Dimension doesn't mean I have Gee-Pi-Esh or whatever you call it! I only know all the routes in Academia Island and That. Was. IT! Outside it, I'm just as lost as you idiots!

It was not like I asked to be confined within Academia Ground, damn it!

Seriously Professor, WHY you never let me get OUT?! Just once, fucking please! Now I can't even tell which was 'home' even if I tried! It was as if you don't want be to be able to leave!

"Serena." Glasses called. "You mention Academia was built on an Island, right?"

"Yes?" What's your point? "The whole island is Academia's property."

"Since I haven't seen any Academia Soldier, I assume we're on a different Island." Duh. Did you plug your ears the entire time?! "We best head to the harbor and board a ship. At least someone should know which direction Academia is."

Good idea, mister, but "Which way to the Harbor?"

Back at Zero.

"You know what?" Big Guy sighed, "let's ask someone."

"Are you sure it'll be fine?" Loudmouth was skeptical. "They could tattled on us."

"We don't have a better option."


Glasses lead the conversation with the vendor.

"A ship to Academia?"


"Hm... oh I see." The vendor nodded before giving them directions. Apparently, if they go there, they will meet with people who will take them to Academia.

Something about it seems familiar. Something about the time. what was it what was it...?

"My child had been gone to Academia, tell him Hi, will you?"

Why would they do that?!


Ugh, Glasses had to drag Useless and Me away before we could tell the Vendor we're going to storm Academia and doesn't have time to play nice with those idiots. Plus, how could they find one unimportant stick among numerous soldiers?! It was not like they knew what this boy looked like!

"This man, Gongenzaka, is confused as of what that man was talking about."

"Nonsense. That's what it was."

Big Guy shook his head. "No." He denied. "It sounds like something important. Something familiar too."

"What is it?" Loudmouth asked.

"Gongenzaka doesn't remember. Just that it's important and familiar."

No use if you can remember. Seriously. Give up.

Following the Vendor's advice, they were led to a building. It looks inconspicuous enough. Is this where we get our boat? Or are we taking a plane? Helicopter? I know we had some. I passed them when sneaking out.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19 ⏰

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