Into the Labyrinth Part II

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"I hate this game."

"Welcome to the club. Members: You, Me, Celestial Magician, Our Dragons, and Floren once we found her."

Thanks to Shadow Game's effect and penalty, Yuri's feet are damaged badly, resulting in him cannot even pressure his own weight on them, lest he crumples in pain. And we cannot exactly wait until he is healed, who knows how long it will take.

Yuri had to rely on his monster, the flying dinosaur-like monster, as his method of transportation to get around.

One problem is solved.

And another appears.

First, Labyrnth is one letter away from Labyrinth. And true to its name, it's a set of confusing mazes full of dead ends and twisty corridors.

Second, the deck is full of Trap Cards, so they encounter many traps.

"MOTHERFUCKER—" Celestial Magician swore, as just as they took a left turn on that corner, they saw a giant card floating with the back side facing them. It flipped off and reveal a picture of...


A lot of bombs.

The card glowed and vanished, and the bombs are floating in its place. Ready to explode.

Motherfucker indeed.

We turned tail and book it back to the direction we came from. Barely on time to avoid the explosion.

"That," I panted as he tried to calm his heartbeat down, "was a close call."

If the explosion didn't hurt us, the destroyed ceilings certainly will bury us. The explosion brought it down. As it stood, the road is blocked so we had to turn right.

The right path doesn't have mines. Or bombs.

It, however,

"OH COME ON?! AGAIN?!" Odd eyes shout exasperatedly as I made a leap to avoid the spikes that suddenly sprouted up from the floor—in hindsight, the holes should be a clue; and immediately after, drop to the ground and rolled over to avoid a volley of fire.

Feels like I'm in Indiana Jones. Or Prince of Persia. Or robbing an Egyptian god—Hollywood movie Style.

Sweet Love of the Gods, Floren. Are you pulling a Jumanji?! If I don't have Dueltaining Training, I'd be dead!

"You look like having a hard time," Yuri commented.

"Say you."

He doesn't have a good time, either. The corridor is too small for his monster to maneuver freely and the tail of his monster was charred black from the torch about five minutes ago.

Is it just me or is it getting smaller and smaller?

Not good. Really not good. If every route we took is getting narrower, Yuri will be forced to dispel his monster. Which means either I or Celestial Magician had to carry him. I hope I don't have to carry him. I have a hard time avoiding all those traps as it was!

This corridor we took ends with a room.

When we open the door, it led to... outside? No. A room covered in Action Field? either that or if I'm feeling imaginative, an adjacent dimension.

It was a Flower Garden with a steel arch covered in plants, and distantly, there are a building. A few spots were dotted with candles. It was a peaceful and nice place... NOT!

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