This Is Why Communication is Important

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"Master. Are you going to sleep?"

"I'll sleep when I know they won't strangle each other when I wasn't looking." I replied, before taking another sip from the canned coffee.

It was my third can this morning.

After knocking my doppelgänger out cold, we brought them to my house. It was the only place I can think of. Floren-nee's place is out of question. I have been there and it was small. Plus carrying two unconscious boys in is gonna make people's tongue wags. My house, on the other hand, could housed them. I can put my Xyz double in my room, and the Synchro one—Yugo, was it?—in the guest room. After all, the previous guest was Sora and...

...and I really need time to process what to think about him.

I was prepared to give an excuse to mom, only for her to leave message that she would be sleeping over in Ayu's place. Invited by her parents.

Make it easier to snuck them in.

Now that we have left the crime scene, all that left is waiting game. As in, waiting until they wake up so I can properly ask questions. Hopefully with less troubles.

"I can make them shut up and behave."

Odd Eyes. No. Not charcoaling them.

"...Master, I reserve it for Duel Spirit or Akaba."

Still a no. And what is your problem with Akaba?

"Personal issue."

Is this personal issue related to how you know I have another doppelganger I haven't meet yet, and how did you know the Synchro Dragon's name before it was revealed?

"...long story short, I used to have another master, whom I shared with them. An Akaba killed him."

That explains why you know them. You were basically old acquaintances—wait. If you shared same past master... then how on earth did you split into different dimensions? And I assume you are from this dimension, because I sure as hell you are not from this Xyz dimension or Fusion—Sora's—due restrictive summoning method over there.

"Good question."

"Master!" Yes Helpprincess? "They're awake!"

Ah, better goes upstair then. "Thank you. You may return."

"Of course. Please do not hesitate to call me when you need my help again!"

Alright. Time to face the boys.

Aaaaand, just as I predicted, they were at each other throat the second they meet in the hallway. I have to pull a Yuzu on them and hit them upside the head.

"Can I trouble you two to NOT make a problem this early?" I glowered. "Or should I put you two on timeout and tan your ass before you get the memo?"

"I... he started it!" My Synchro double pointed at our Xyz clone. "I have told him multiple times that my name is NOT Fusion but he didn't listen!"

"You said it yourself your name is Fusion!"

"I did NOT!"

I pinched my nose. Oh my Ra. Is this how teachers and parents felt when their charges are being difficult? I have so much respect for them.

"Look. We have an easy way to solve this problem." I stopped them before they could brawl. I fished out note and a pen from my pants pocket and shove them to my Synchro counterpart. "Here, write to us how your name is written as." Easy and simple and there's no way this can go wrong.

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