Sickeningly Sweet Fragrance of Poison

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Let me make it let me make it let me make it...!


"Guys!" I called out, relieved, even if their appearance makes me do a double take.

Yuya got a bruise blooming on his cheek. It looks like nasty. And Yuzu is missing a hairtie.

Though considering their guests, it makes sense. Especially regarding said guests' state.

Sora and Kurosaki lose their impeccable appearance. Kurosaki pressed a handkerchief to his nose, and based on the red speck, I think he was trying to stop a bleeding. Aside from that, he also has several scratches on his face and a bump on his head. Sora's hair was completely undone, messy with uneven side bangs, sporting a black eye, and was leaning on one foot while trying to not pressuring the other. And that was what I can see. Both are also covered in dust.

"Do I want to know what happened?"

Zarc cackles and leaned against me. "A hilarious thing."

Right. Stupid question. Kurosaki and Sora's animosity were bad this early on. "Fine then, catch." I threw my bag to Yuya. "Take it and go elsewhere. And be fast."

"Are you running from someone?"

"Eh, why—"

Yuzu's word was aborted as he shot me a wide-eyed look.

No. Not me.

Someone behind me.

"Indeed, why the hurry? I just found you."

Sora look up at the person behind me with alarmed look. His face turned deathly pale.


I whirled around and stare right at him.

Yuri. The Fusion counterpart of the Dragon boys. And arguably, the one who resemble Demonic Duelist Z-Arc the most, if we take Berserk Yuya out of equation.

"Ouch." Zarc winces. "Why does that one resemble my Demonic Duelist days the most? Does I split unevenly?"

It better be that... because the other option is worse.

"Oh?" Yuri's gaze zeroed on Sora. "So there you are. I think Professor want you to take Serena while I dealt with this one," he briefly glanced at Yuzu, which made Ray hissed, "are you lost? I thought you said you know the ways here. Or perhaps..." he turned his gaze to Kurosaki.

"Your wounded pride against Xyz scum worth more than Professor's order?"

"I... it was..."

"Save it for later, Shiunin. I'll make sure to bring you back to Professor for questioning, alongside the girls. Or maybe not. You know what happen to failure, don't you?"

"Sorry," I cut in, "but you need to get through me first. Kids, go. Take Sora and Kurosaki with you."

"Like hell I'm run—"

"KUROSAKI! You are injured and you are not in the correct mental state to fight! Retreat! That is an order!"

Yuya can't duel Yuri. I don't know how much Zarc's presence as Monster Card will affect the whole Become One thing, but I rather not chance it. Yuzu's bracelet is glowing. Dim, as it was now, but it steadily gaining light. Either Ray did put defense mechanism and forget to disabled it, or if she sense Yuri is more dangerous, I don't know. Sora is not in any shape to go against Yuri, and Kurosaki, enough said.

Leaving me as the only option left.

I did tasked to hold him back as much as possible, after all.

Yuya get the cue and summon Performapal Momoncarpet and yank Sora to climb on it, while Yuzu did the same with Kurosaki and they vamoose away from site.

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