Converging Wishes

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"You know..." Jack takes off his gloves and cracked his knuckles ominously. "You've been a real thorn in my side lately. Today's shitty day is just icing on the cake. Breaking your bones surely would made my day."

"So long I can beat his face to the point not even his momma can recognize him, I'm happy." Crow chirped from his side. No less bloodthirsty as Jack feel.

They've encounter Ruka and Rua on the way up. It was quite nice seeing them again... even if something feels off, but that probably the fact they're way too pissed and they never see the twins that angry. Ever.

The twins offer to take Serena off their hand and sprung trap, in case Roget tried to get away. Meanwhile, Crow and Jack got all the right to scare the living daylight out of Roget. And if they happen to be rough on him?

No one is going to complains.

"So you doesn't care what would happen to him?" Roget give a confident smirk as he shakes Yuya like a rag doll.

Something inside Crow twist and burns hot.

He makes note to himself to thoroughly crush those hands.

"I doubt coward like you can do anything without leverage." Taunted Jack. "Becoming The King...ha. King of Cowards you mean? Because if so, congratulations. You're halfway there."

Roget's face morphed in anger.

"What? Cat got your tongue? Or are your big talk merely empty boasts?" Crow take it as sign to aggravate Roget further.

Jack nodded. "Not that it would surprise me. A coward mongrel like you know nothing of true skill or competence. Always hiding behind excuses and tricks and henchman. I wonder what are you going to do with the kids. Perhaps bringing them to your old master as you grovel for forgiveness?"

Not that they had any intention letting that happens.

Punishment shall fit the crime. End of discussion.

"Guess I have no choice but deal with you personally."

"You better polish up your begging! Because, who know, we might have mercy for you!"

They saw the camera at the corner flashed blue.


Roget LP: 8000

Jack LP: 4000

Crow LP: 4000

"How kind of you." Mocked Roget.

"Don't be happy just now, mutt." Crow tilted his head. "Neither of us can attack during the first turn each. And this way, I can make sure you pay for all your transgression!"

"Hmph. We shall see about it. I activate Polymerization and Fusion Summon using two copies of Ancient Gear Soldiers! "Mechanical soldiers inheriting ancient souls. Now, form an allegiance and join, and be reborn together as a new power! Fusion Summon! Appear! Level 8! Mechanical demon god! Ancient Gear Howitzer!"

Ancient Gear Howitzer | Level 8 | Earth

Machine / Fusion / Effect

DEF 1800 / ATK 1000

"When Ancient Gear Howitzer is summoned, I can inflict 1000 damage to my opponent!"

Jack LP: 4000 --> 3000

Crow LP: 4000 --> 3000

"I equip Ancient Gear Howitzer with Equip Spell Ancient Gear Magic Shield and increase its defense by 1200 and now Ancient Gear Howitzer cannot be destroyed by battle!"

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