Friendship Cup Day 7 - Dedicate Your Victory

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" good?" Odd Eyes tentatively asks.

Floren-nee shook her head.

"Not until Sergey is out of the tournament, and preferably, put into deepest jail if we can't permanently offed him, his deck torn apart, burned into ash, and drowned into cement.."

I choked. Isn't that Overkill?!

"Considering yesterday, Overkill might be what we need..." Murmured Stargazer. "It was cruel..."

I grimace.

The duel is cruel. No. It beyond cruel. Not only Sergey injures Chojiro-san to the point emergency rescue team had to bring him to ICU, according to Ms. Ruka, but also the sheer collateral damage and other people who got injured as result of his last attack.

He collapsed an entire bridge for fucking out loud!

(It really hammers home how dangerous Action Duel can be)

That aside, the aura that surrounded the giant monster is... just...

I don't know what it was, but when I thought the Earthbound Servants are bad enough, there's that thing.

Merely feeling its sheer aura left me physically ill. That I opted to watch the duel from my room while recuperating, with Floren-nee keeping me company. And I'm not the only one who has extreme reactions.

Crow's face turned deathly pale as his grip shattered the armrest and he was in catatonic-like state. Glued to the screen and unresponsive until the duel is over, and Gong shakes him out of it.

Serena hissed like a threatened cat. Locked in fight or flight mode and full with tension.

Yuto confessed to Kurosaki and I that he heard screams. So, many, screams. It was as if for a moment, gate of hell was open and he can hear screams of the damned. It's why he has dark circle around his eyes. He has nightmare about the screams.

Hopefully it won't be detrimental to him. He's dueling today.

The rest doesn't have that much of extreme reaction but... they're also shaken badly.

"Even I on my worst days is not that bad." Muttered Celestial. "It's nothing short of miracle how the mortals over there didn't keel over from the pressure."

I wonder what does he mean by that. I mean, Floren-nee did tell he and Euterpe used to be human, but I don't know what his life was like.

"Considering the seal was improperly unsealed, might be it." Improperly unsealed? Seal? What? "Be grateful the seal was not correctly broken, or things might go worse."

Floren-nee seems like she wants to say something, but decided against it.


Sometimes I feel like she hides more than she let us know. Not that it makes her suspicious (alright, it's a lie. It makes her a little suspicious), but I trust her and wish she would tell us what in her mind.

Though I wonder how does she bear with it. Keeping secrets make me feels lonely.

(When would she involve Yugo and Yuto? Yugo has power, too, right? And Yuto as well, if he can hear something I don't.

What about Serena? Isn't she like Yuzu?)

"...say, Yuya?" Yes? "While I am confident Crow can win his duel, I am unsure about the one between Yuto and Gong. Care to tell me your opinion?"




"It... will be tough."

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