Interlude: Odd Eyes

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"Alright. It seems there's not much long-term effect here." Black Rose declares.

It was not safe for her to checks on Master Yuya when there are so many cameras and eyes watching, so we have to wait until nightfall, until when everyone is asleep, before she can fixed what happened.

By that I mean she put back Master Yuya in control of his own body.


"Not much?!" I gape. "Shouldn't you say none before you cleared Master Yuya a Clean Bill of Health?!"

She gave me a side look.

"That's only applied to physical injury. Something that was more of mental, and spiritual, are much harder to fully restored to its previous state. What Yuya has is the best outcome, seeing what the other options are."

I hate how true it is.

"Um, sorry? But what the long-term side effect are?" Master Yuya

"Your connection are much stronger than before." Was her answer. "Imagine it as tunnel. Previously the connection between you and your incarnation is there. It was still there, but the tunnel is much bigger."

"Bad?" Timegazer ask.

"Unknown. It might make Yuya susceptible to Berserk Mode when he's angry, when Zarc is angry, goes triple when both are angry."

"Don't you mean double?" Questioned Stargazer.

"I know what I am saying." Replied Black Rose. "And in any event Yuya is knocked out by external force, there's good chance Zarc can seize control of the body, again. Especially when Yuya's emotional and mental defenses are not up to task."


That sounds messy.

I don't know what to feel.

In one hand, I am happy to duel with Master Zarc again.

In the other hand, I grow fond of Master Yuya.

And both looks uncomfortable at Black Rose's explanation.

Master Zarc used to want to take over his reincarnation's body and come back to life. But now that he has better chance for it... he looks hesitated and uncomfortable instead of rejoicing.

Is it terrible of me to find it relieving?

" were quiet."

Master Zarc said it to Floren, who was leaning against the wall.

"Floren-nee... are you upset?"

"Definitely." That was a fast answer. "I am upset. Not at you, Yuya."

"At me?"

She does have same side-eyed look as Black Rose...

"If you do it deliberately, I would beat your skinny ass—"

"HEY! My ass is not skinny!"

Master Zarc, is that what you focused at? No wonder Clear Wing's partner and your Synchro reincarnation is kind of scatterbrain.

"—but since you're just as freaked out as the rest of us, and was telling the truth when you said it was an accident, no. I am not upset at you." She finished her sentence without missing a beat. "It was Roget whom I upset at."

I narrowed my eyes.

Good to know we have name for culprit.

"Are you sure?"

"Positively." Floren nodded. "He sponsored Sergey, banked on him to beat all competitor and hopefully Jack Atlas. To find I'm not only caused his pet cyborg going out of control, but also beaten and turned into scraps, must be ruffling his feather the wrong way and make him intends to get back at me. Then he must be finding out I am friendly towards you the most, and I trust you the most out of all Lancers, so he planted the chip at you. Either you lose or go wild like a wild animal, he doesn't care so long it get back at me."

She sighed.

"Sorry for dragging you into something troublesome."

Master Yuya shook his head. "No. It was not problem. I should have seen it before. Pretty sure he planned to throw me into exhibition duel considering his unusual interest back at that sham of trial."


What a fucking pain in theass.

Should have blasted him into ash back then.

"For a grown man, he is petty." Harumphed Stargazer, displeased.

"Age doesn't equal maturity." Timegazer reminds him.

And isn't that the truth? Just because you were older doesn't always mean you're wiser. I've meet senile old geezer, after all.

"On lighter note!" Black Rose clapped her... hand? Claws? Wings? "Who want to help me mess with Roget, start with flash frying his expensive hi-tech stuff?"

Why is that even a question?!

Of fucking course I am in!

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