Interlude: Synchro Trinity

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Jack blinked open.

The first thing he saw is—


His hand shoots up.

Yusei caught it and smiled.

"I'm glad you don't get knocked out for too long." The Satellite Shooting Star (His best friend his rival his brother Yusei Yusei Yusei) replied. "Glad for you to join us as well, Crow."

He almost get knocked over when Crow threw himself at Yusei.

"Where were you." Crow tightens his grip. "We can't find you anywhere. We can't find any trace. Where are you?"


For some reason, they understand that he literally means Nowhere.

"Yusei." Jack called out. "What happened?"

He has so many questions. So many.

Yusei's smile disappears.

"It's a long, complicated story." He began. "To put it simply, we are in future,"


"In the future," Yusei closed his eyes. "Several things happened. Xyz summoning discovery. Then Solid Vision evolved into Solid Vision with Mass, creating similar effect to what Psychic Duelist and Dark Signers are capable of."

"We notice that much." It does explain why they feels uneasy when Roget first came with the advanced technology, and took them quite some time to get used to it.

"During that age of dueling... something happened. Something that trigger mass-scale Zero Reverse that did not devastate the world as Aporia foresaw, but split it into Four Different Dimensions."

"Synchro. Ours." Crow remember the kids discussed about it. "Xyz. Fusion. Standard."

"Yes." Yusei nodded. "Each Dimension has Central Focus to act as anchor. Each focus refers to certain era. Standard is based on the Technological Advanced Era where Solid Vision With Mass is used. Fusion based on Duel Academy. Remember what I told you about Judai-san? Fusion Dimension's Focus is his era. Then Xyz dimension, Focusing in Heartland. Central City where Xyz summoning is discovered. A little further than Bruno's era. I don't really have to tell you what Synchro Dimension's focus is, do I?"


It was obvious.

Very, painfully, obvious.

"Why are we here?" Finally, Jack asks the million-dollar question. "Why us? Why not you?"

"I wonder that as well..."

They settle in silence.

"What now?"

"Now?" Yusei hummed. "We do what we always do when things like this happens."

Sounds like good start.

Yusei stood up.

To his friends' horror, his body flickered in and out of existence.

"Yusei, what happened to you?!"

"I've told you, don't I? I am in Nowhere, not real world." Yusei replied. "I don't have much time left here."

"Are you..."

"It's alright." He patted their head. "I'm not going Anywhere. Stardust and I are connected. So long you keep his card safe, I'll always be there for you. We are team. Aren't we?" He was almost gone. As it was, there's only faint outline of his body.

"Can I ask you two one thing?"

"What is it?"

If it was desperation that Jack hears from Crow, he won't call him out.

"If it was not a problem, visit our old home."

He vanishes in light.

Only one card floating down as prove he was there.

Jack reaches out and hold the Card. Stardust Dragon.

Grief, nostalgic, loss, happiness, relief. Feeling like crying and laughing in the same time.

"What happened?!"

The rest of Lancers flooded the room.

"Where is Yuya and others?" Gong asked, demanded. "TheMan Gongenzaka cannot reach Yuya. Nor Yuzu, Floren, Shiunin, Kurosaki, or Yuto."

Crow swept his gaze around.


Out of all Lancer, only Yugo and Serena were there. Both are knocked out.

"They are transported away." He replied. "Roget's dimensional transporter went berserk and sucking them away."

Reiji closed his eyes. "We need to find them." He said. "Yuzu is person of importance to Academia's mission. And if earlier was any proof, perhaps so does Sakaki Yuya and Yuto. They might be in danger as we spoke."

"But how? They can be anywhere?!"

"Perhaps we can try Roget's Dimensional Transporter."

Jack eyeing the infernal piece.

It no longer give him bad feelings. And Yusei previously take care of it, wasn't he?

"Forget it. It's busted." His ol buddy had make sure the thing won't bring anymore harm.even if it means thoroughly totaled its system.

"That is a problem." Reiji frowned. "It seems we need to go back to Standard."

"...the man Gongenzaka want to start finding Yuya and Yuzu."

"And how are you going to accomplish that?" Sawatari shouted. "Do you even know where they are?!"

"If it was not a problem, visit our old home."


"Perhaps." Jack dusted his clothes. "I can be of assistance."

The Lancers turned to him.


"I think I know somewhere you can access to supercomputer or whatever tech you need."


Crow grinned.

"Where else?"

Their vantage point and conveniently placed hole in the wall reveal the island that was previously shrouded with cloud, obscured from view and no one pay for.

"We are going to Satellite."

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