Faith and Promise

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"Arrest Sora, I dare you, and I'll throw you all out of that window. Don't test me." I growled, standing protectively with Sora behind me, partially hidden behind my body, and in front of me, Akaba Reiji and his group Lancers—whatever that means.

"You won't dare!" Shouted Sawatari, but I can see, no, I can smell his nervousness.

I merely cocked an eyebrow in response. "Want to test it out?"


"Ahem. Master Yuya. Don't insult peacocks." Chides Stargazer.

My bad.

Yuzu's gaze darted between me, and him, before shrugged. "I'd like it to have less violence, but I'm with Yuya. Sora is under my aegis too, so you need to go through me as well."

You Show Solidarity FTW!

"Why are you two so insistent in protecting him? I glared at Reiji.

"Do I need reason, aside from that he is my treasured friend?" I emphasize on word treasure.

"He was Academia Spy. Or did you forget about it?"

"...hypocrite, don't you think?" Sora? "You were hellbent on have me behind the bars, but Serena and Dennis got to walk scot-free? That's very biased of you, President Akaba."

Serena is Yuzu's fusion counterpart. And Dennis means...

We all turned to the orange-clad guy over there. He take a step back.

"W-what do you mean?!"

"You're Academia Spy, too. Just like I used to be. Different mission, though."

"What? Me? A spy? Don't be silly. I'm honest and upright LDS transfer student!"

"Sure. Honest and upright student of Leo's Dueling School." Sora emphasize on word Leo. As in... Akaba Leo. Reiji's missing father. Was he not missing but abdicate his status to go to Fusion Dimension, whatever the reason was?

"Good point. Why bother going to another dimension instead start here?"

Dennis narrowed his eyes at Sora. "What are you insinuating at?"

"Oh nothing~" Sora smiled coldly. "Just refreshing my memories. Professor Akaba Leo did tasked you with vital mission—pardon, missions. This is your second one, isn't it? Where was your first one? Ah right!" He snapped his fingers and turned to our Xyz residents.

"It was Heartland City, Xyz Dimension."

Kurosaki and Yuto froze.


"You are also the one who send green light for Invasion, right?"


"I believe the word back then, what was it, you found the target? And seeing Yuzu claims the soldiers are after her and her lookalike..."

To put it simply, they now are too angry for words, and now descending at Dennis like vengeful demons.

"Don't forget to check his deck! He should have Ancient Gear monsters there."

Too bad, Dennis fiddle with something in hi duel disk, and he disappears in pixelates.

Just like Sora back then.

Academia spy, alright.

"You..." Yuzu's lookalike stared at Sora in disbelief. "If he was truly part of Academia... you're selling him out..."

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